Update on me - SJ (Sarah) Sorry in advance.....

August 25th, 2010
Only fair to all of my super supportive 365ers since I started to post my health issues to keep you updated. Your encouragement, caring and loving words and prayers have been such a blessing to me.

On my post on the 23rd Aug I mentioned going into hospital. Me thinking something to do with the breast tumor = neurosurgeon??? CT (again), MRI (again), more bloods etc and I find out I have a Chronic Subdural Hematoma...basically a bleed in my brain. I'm in total shock thinking they are actually joking not believing something else could go wrong physically ATM but no, I'm wrong :-/ LOL...usually am...

However it's in a great position in my brain and currently an okay size for a good outcome. Symptoms I'm experiencing are scary and not nice - loss of memory, balance and co-ordination altered, nausea and vomiting, slurred speech, personality changes, disorientation, decreased ability to think and very poor concerntration and lastly headaches.

Neurosurgeon wants to drill a hole in my head....no way...(not yet anyway). Many questions later I chose to go with a strict medication timetable including taking corticosteroids, phenytoins and dexamethasone at the most inconvenient of times...like that's my biggest problem hey :-)

What they don't like and I don't either is that for a while now I have had bouts of unexplained excessive bruising you can see and they çan't diagnose why...they were concerned about the fact that I would be having the same bruising internally but I couldn't see it so I wasn't worried and thought nothing of it, just another oddity to add to me being me... However this means it can happen again, anytime, in a worse position, to a larger degree and have devastating permanent outcomes.

Yes I also decided against staying in for monitoring but promise you all if symptoms worsen I will let them put a hole in my head faster than you can say 'boo' and who knows a hole in my head may solve a whole host of problems :-)

August 25th, 2010
Oh, Sarah, I am SO sorry to hear this! Just one more thing you really didn't need to be dealing with. I don't blame you for being reluctant to let them put a hole in your head; I know I certainly would be too. I hope that the medication is able to help and that you don't end up needing to have the procedure done. Thank you for the update, and please know you are in my thoughts. (((HUGS)))
August 25th, 2010
My thoughts and prayers are with you SJ!
August 25th, 2010
Im so sorry to hear this. :( Will include you in my prayers, SJ. Stay strong and positive that everything will be alright. Have faith. God bless you, dear. hugs..
August 25th, 2010
(((hugs and prayers are going out to you)))
August 25th, 2010
Its very hard to know what to say to you at a time like tis , hope it helps you to know we are thinking of you
August 25th, 2010
Sarah Jane, I am so sorry to hear of this latest problem. I have been so proud of how you have handled things to this point. Please know we are all praying for you and I hope you fell some strength from our love and prayers. I am sending positive energy your way. Here it comes...along with a great big hug. Love you! Karen (hwy61)
August 25th, 2010
Dang, Girl!! You tryin' to give ME a heart attack? Please, tell me you smiled just a little. That's my gig, you know, trying to cheer you (and so many of us) up just a little. You KNOW you are in my prayers. hugs and more hugs.
August 25th, 2010
Thank-you for keeping everyone updated. I'm sorry to hear that news and do hope and pray you'll get better and it heals up. Some medications and even vitamins can cause thinning of the blood and thus, bruising, but hopefully your team of doctors asked about that...take care.
August 25th, 2010
My prayers are with you SJ.
August 25th, 2010
Im chocked. Really. I am thinking a lot about your situation and I have something I would love to tell You. I wont do it here. Im not ready for that but my e-mailadresse are nick-lone@mail.dk. If you would like to hear it, send me a mail.

Big hugs!!
August 25th, 2010
Sorry to hear about this, wish there was something I could do to make you all better again. My heart goes out to you. I will keep you in my prayers!!
August 25th, 2010
wow, you are in my prayers & thoughts. Hugs are being sent your way from Pennsylvania!!!
August 25th, 2010
Oh hell... I am sorry for your latest news. Huge hugs attached as words are pretty useless at times. Be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed.
August 25th, 2010
Sarah, your boundless spirit and enthusiasm for life are clearly evident in your photos and while none of us know you, I think we can all easily see you are a fighter and a winner. Keep that smile on your face and know that from many miles away I am sending you a hug.
August 25th, 2010
I admire you. We all complain about our little everyday problems yet you are going through something huge and are barley complaining at all.WOW!!! You are a strong individual (and an amazing photographer). Hope things get better, they always do. Stay strong!
August 25th, 2010
thanx for the update , im always thinking about u and how ur doing !!! As it is all said before keep positive and keep being u .. Nothing will change that about u , that ur such an amazing strong woman .. You will do the right thing when ur ready !! till then keep strong and thinking of u xxxxx
August 25th, 2010
Oh no...
Feel hugged!
August 25th, 2010
You have an amazing spirit. I hope it continues to sustain you. All your 365 friends admire you and hold you in our prayers.
August 26th, 2010
Sarah, thank you so much for the update. I am glad to hear that you have a plan of action, and a backup plan if the first plan doesn't work. I'll be praying for your body to heal.
August 26th, 2010
Oh my! I'm totally speechless, Sarah.
Through your write-up, it seems you take it in a stride...i hope & believed you are. So, be strong & happy.
I'm not really good at this....but i know i will pray hard for you & family. Hugs & loves.

August 26th, 2010
Sarah, I will definitely keep you in my prayers. I'm sure you have so many questions and few answers that you can actually count on. It can be quite unsettling. We have some exceelent phsyicians today who specialize, and for now you need to trust in their judgement as much as you can anyway. Keep track of the symptoms and bring them to the attentionof your physician right away.
August 26th, 2010
OOOH Sarah, I am so sorry to hear you are continuing to struggle with health issues. Hang in there. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so glad to hear your positive attitude shine through.
August 26th, 2010
my goodness... positive thoughts and prayers be with you
August 26th, 2010
Oh im so so sorry to hear this:( Sending good vibes your way!! Im sure everything will be fine. :)
August 26th, 2010
I am so sorry to hear about your challenges, more than most of us can comprehend or imagine. Wish you all the best and then some more. Thanks for the update! Hugs from Florida
August 26th, 2010
Praying, praying, and praying sj!
August 26th, 2010
You've been battling life ever since I've 'known' you yet you have managed to produce such beautiful pictures belying your personal struggle. My prayers and thoughts are coming your way along with all your other friends here at 365. x
August 26th, 2010
I"m so sorry to hear about this; thanks so much for sharing it with us; you are in my thoughts are prayers! Stay positive!!! xo
August 26th, 2010
Hi... I've been on line only an hour a day in the last three weeks so am just catching up with folk and the news. I am so sorry to read this recent posting. My prayers, and those of the folk at Saint Nicolas', are with you. If you want a chat by e-mail then feel free.... hannamanor15 AT btinternet.com (Just remove the AT and the two spaces and put in the usual @!! Apparently that helps cut down on people farming your e-mail!!
Anyhow.... big hug going your way and God bless.
August 27th, 2010
so sorry to read about this! my thoughts and prayers go out to you..I really hope everything is going to be okay. Sending angels your way, stay strong!!
August 27th, 2010
Hi SJ, wishing you all the best! hope everthing will go well, keep strong!
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