August 28th, 2010
So I noticed Browse & Pick 10 was getting REALLLLYYY long, so I thought I'd start the process off all over again!! :) I like to go through the previous person's calendar to find that one photo that just knocks you off your feet.

This is the one that hit me as soon as I saw it v_key....

August 28th, 2010
This is beautiful Kiley!

August 28th, 2010
I passed a hay field today and I thought it looked like a sushi farm

(I apologize for the size but I couldnt scroll all the way down while copying the link)
August 28th, 2010

beautiful shot!!!
August 28th, 2010

I know this is pretty recent, but I just LOVE the lighting that's in this shot!
August 28th, 2010
Zach has a lot of pictures that I absolutely love, but at the moment this speaks to me the most...

August 28th, 2010
Taleweaver's project has so many great images; this new shot is one of my faves.

August 28th, 2010

I've followed Brad's photos for a while and I absolutely love this one. It stands out to me.
August 28th, 2010

I love the nostalgic feel of Flat Stanley :)
August 28th, 2010
Love the retro feeling in this shot
August 28th, 2010
so many to choose from but since i have to pick one. . .

August 28th, 2010
I really like this one if Stephanie's
August 28th, 2010

I think this is fantastic. i love the moody feel to the weather and the edit.
August 28th, 2010

This is fantastic! So creative and keeps you looking for awhile. Congrats Katie on your A and going to school for photography!!!
August 28th, 2010
Jennifer, I like the color intensity and the clarity of this photo.

August 28th, 2010
August 28th, 2010
Emily has so many great photos and shows a lot of skills with her color processing. I liked the simplicity and composition of this shot

August 28th, 2010
Dave, you've got many great pics, but I'm a sucker for hummingbirds, and I keep anticipating the call this little guy looks like he's about to make. Capturing such vibrant colors behind him/her and keeping the background out of focus makes this one of my favorites in your album.

August 28th, 2010
August 28th, 2010
Very hard to choose from your photos, Kerri, but this one really grabbed me. Catching birds in flight is a treat!

August 28th, 2010
Great photos, jeremy! LOVE this one. Love Frank Lloyd Wright. Great job.
August 28th, 2010
Lacey, you have a keen sense for capturing the personality of your human subjects, I have to say, but this one just grabbed me... and it wouldn't let me go.

August 28th, 2010
Jeremy I was going to pick that blue tower of yours, I love it!! but I see somebody already chose it so here is another one I like from yours:
August 28th, 2010
(oh woops. I didnt see somebody chose that one either...)
August 28th, 2010
You have so many beautiful shots Lauren, I chose this one because I love the colours, the shadows and the way you captured the rays of sun.

August 28th, 2010
I like your latest shot, Tamara! Looks like a necklace I would wear!

August 28th, 2010

I really like this one of Angie's! :-)
August 29th, 2010
some fantastic photos in Zachary's album- but this is just fabulous :)

August 29th, 2010
This is my favorite of yours Rebbecca
August 29th, 2010
This is a gorgeous capture from Constance :)
August 29th, 2010
I Love this one!

August 29th, 2010
From Casey:

Beautiful photo. Love the lighting.
August 29th, 2010
i like this one jenna

August 29th, 2010

jaydee has tons of crazy-cool amazing shots. i liked the simplicity of this one, and the lighting is awesome. plus i learned something in his description!
August 29th, 2010

Ha-ha! I want to pet the doggie's nose!!! I can just FEEEEEL how cold and wet it is!
August 29th, 2010
August 29th, 2010

I like this one a lot!
August 29th, 2010
this is the last picture from Annie, it's so peaceful. It's my fav
August 29th, 2010

So many fantastic photos in Helene's calendar; but I choose this one for its cuteness value!
August 29th, 2010
My mind cannot wrap itself around how this could be done! :P

August 29th, 2010
I have the pleasure for the second time to pick one of Robin's photos, yay! I'm so lucky.
This time I pick this one:

Very beautiful, I love the sky and the reflection is so clear, I really love this photo. ^_^
August 29th, 2010
Anthony was skipped, so:

^ I looooooove his photos and this one has an eighties vibe to it that I like

And for Manuela, I pick:

August 29th, 2010
Annie had some very creative shots, but this one screamed "pick me!" I love the blues and the peaceful vibe of this shot :)
August 29th, 2010

Too cute!
August 29th, 2010
This pic from Emily's collection feels so nostalgic. It's just beautiful!

August 29th, 2010

Welcome to 365! Nice work so far!
August 29th, 2010
August 29th, 2010
apologies for the small size (all i could get to). i really like the colors in this one

August 29th, 2010
Hard to choose, Jennifer! The clarity of such intense motion in this one is stunning!

August 29th, 2010
i dont get how you guys are posting the pics. *sigh*
August 29th, 2010
Oh i think i got it.

Okay, Jeremy... you're kinda new still. :) Welcome to 365. I like the colors on this one.
August 29th, 2010
thanks, Rebecca. :) I'm having a blast... and becoming addicted. lol
August 29th, 2010
I really like the harsh contrast between light and dark. I want to go explore the shadows. You've got many great pics, Rebecca!

August 29th, 2010

Liked this one just because it's something a bit different
August 29th, 2010
August 29th, 2010

I like the quiet simplicity of this shot.
August 29th, 2010

I LOVE Rollercoasters!! The sky in this shot looks great!
August 29th, 2010

this is my favourite from Tamara, this is so beautiful! I love sky photos! :D
August 29th, 2010
i was born and raised in Florida, so FSU was a staple in our house

August 29th, 2010
Wow Jill's got a lot of photos. This is just about my favourite
August 29th, 2010
Love the processing on this, makes it look almost wintry.
August 29th, 2010

Here's a great one of Sammie's. Love the black and white here.
August 29th, 2010

love this
August 29th, 2010
August 30th, 2010

(although your Darwin Fish photo was a close second!)
August 30th, 2010
Loved the motion of this one:

August 30th, 2010
August 30th, 2010
here's a beaut from Christi...

August 30th, 2010

Sandra you have some wonderful photos. I love the cute girl with her expression eating ice cream and there was a beautiful flower shot but this particular firework shot really caught my eye, Its a WOW! Im sorry about the size of the photo but I must have linked to the wrong size. If someone can say which one I copy I will change it. Thanks :)
August 30th, 2010
I thought this was lovely Vanya, such beautiful lighting and scenery.
August 30th, 2010
great photo captured by Bluebell... Loved this shot.

August 30th, 2010

haha, i think this is amazing. the detail is great, especially the big eyes :)
August 30th, 2010

Like the colour in this
August 30th, 2010
I like this picture of Victoria's
August 30th, 2010
Richard, you have so many great pictures. This is one of my favourites.

August 30th, 2010
Tamara this photo is so cool i Love the excitement in it it looks like you all are have so much fun :)
August 30th, 2010

Love this!
August 30th, 2010

I really love this from Amber!!! I've only been in a cornfield once in my life and looking at this photo allows me to relive that memory of playing tag with my cousins and being a child again! :D
August 30th, 2010

so creative! :)
August 30th, 2010
August 30th, 2010
Kimmi your new pet needs to be seen again

August 30th, 2010
i like this one.....

August 30th, 2010
Allan all of your pictures were awesome! Took me forever to decide! :)
August 30th, 2010

i love this because it's just so simple, but beautiful too. great detail :)
August 30th, 2010

I have to go with this one you did for the theme. Captured the atmosphere very well. Liked your holiday pics as well.
August 30th, 2010
August 30th, 2010
Emily, I feel transported back in time with this picture. I love it!
August 30th, 2010
Love this one of by Suzie..makes me hungry!

August 31st, 2010

Hard to choose from Linda's collection but I love this one of the rock wall. I can see why it caught her eye. Love the perspective.
August 31st, 2010
Beautiful firey sunset from Robin :)
August 31st, 2010

Like the texture
August 31st, 2010
Oh hey ya'll! There was another one started!
August 31st, 2010
Love this one of Joe's
August 31st, 2010

love the symmetry and colors and textures in this one from Erin.
September 1st, 2010
Vuokko's only just started but already has some amazing shots. :)

September 1st, 2010

Love his eyes
September 1st, 2010
Christina, I love the idea for this reflection... It turned out really well. It really grabbed my attention.

September 1st, 2010
It was so hard I follow Christina already and she has so many awesome photos but I adore this one!!!

September 1st, 2010
I love this one of Sarah''s picture perfect!

September 2nd, 2010
Jesenia, I looked all through your photos and came back to this one! I love the composition and the sunlight on her head. And, I'm following you now. :-)

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