Responding to Comments

August 31st, 2010
Do many of you actually respond to comments people make on your pictures? In particular on the picture itself (like commenting on the picture right after someone else commented on it)? I only ask because I don't go back to someone's picture to see if I got a response, and it's not like you know if someone responds unless they make a comment on one of your pictures and refer to comment you made on one of their pictures (are you confused yet? Lol). I wish you could comment on a comment and have it emailed to you so you know a comment was made.

And in the spirit of my little discourse here, thank you all for your comments!! ツ
August 31st, 2010
lol, if I want to comment on a comment, I go to that particular persons photo. Although, no , I do not comment on every comment. ~~ I was trying to see how many times I could use the word comment in my comment :>)
August 31st, 2010
Hmm I say thank you once or twice or not at all sometimes on comments on my photos. It's not that i dont appreciate my comments. It's just my thinking that commenting on my pictures after everyone says something would a. equal a lot of comments. b. get really annoying to people who look at them and see a bunch of comments. I dont really know. Every once in a while I go back to check on comments that might start a conversation type thing. However if they comment on a pic of my Annalynn saying shes cute i usually say thanks a lot. Cause I'm a proud momma. haha. Ya know? Too bad it's not like facebook and notifies us that so and so commented on so and so's picture ; )

BTW I also thank everyone for the comments!
August 31st, 2010
If its a question or something that requires a response I usually do it on their most recent photo.
August 31st, 2010
I sometimes comment on a comment if it answers a question about my photo. If I think I need to reply to the person directly, I go to their latest photo and leave it there referencing that I'm answering their comment. it does get confusing.
August 31st, 2010
I tend to comment-back everyone who comments on my after i've posted my picture for that day, I'll go back to the picture from the day before and click on every persons name and write a comment on one of their pictures...if that makes any sense at all xD
August 31st, 2010
I go to that person's photo and respond if a question is asked and sometimes I'll answer it on my photo too if I think that it is a question that other people would want the answer to too.
August 31st, 2010
I agree. If I comment back to someone about a question or something else they said, I will go to their photo and respond there. They are more apt to see it as they look through their photo comments.
August 31st, 2010
Thanks everyone for your input. I was starting to feel bad about not responding to everyone, though I do respond in specific cases. I really do appreciate everyone who looks at my work and takes the time to comment/critique (which I need more of, lol)/like, etc.
August 31st, 2010
Commenting on comments isn't always easy as comments may be commented on a picture that is a few days old... time is a factor is both making comments and in commenting in reply to comments.... but comments are always welcome and I do try to give a comment if a comment asks a specific question.... some days there is more time to comment, and to comment on comments, than others.
September 5th, 2010
I comment on my own photos when someone asks me a question or if I want to clarify or elaborate. I figure even if the person asking doesn't see my response, others who see the picture will know the answer to the question that was raised. If the commenter wants to know, they can come back and see my picture.

It doesn't make sense to me to answer a question on someone else's picture, because it has nothing to do with their picture and clutters up their pretty picture.

For the people I follow, sometimes I scroll down older pics and see the answers to the questions I posed.
September 5th, 2010
During my first few days here, when asked questions, I replied back on my photo itself. Then later I noticed that we don't receive an alert via email regarding replies. So, what I do now, is to go to the latest photo of that 365er who asked, comment on his photo first (to be polite, IMO) then answer his question on my photo.

I do visit and comment on people's photos when they commented on mine. I find interaction interesting and creates friendship too. I think we learn from each other and reciprocity creates that bond. I don't have much time to go around browsing photos and leaving messages. This is my pesonal journey and nobody requires me what it should be. But then, when i have the time, I'll do because it's fun.

September 6th, 2010
its impossible like you said to keep track of who's responding... I sometimes comment back but don't always and I don't expect comments back. Some talk back and forth is def fun but I don't get offended when there isnt and I sure hope no one else does either!
September 6th, 2010
I sometimes reply on my own pictures if there isn't a direct question or something important. I often reply on others images (with mention to the shot I'm posting on of theirs as well so it's not all about replying) to answer questions. I wish 365 had a "comment on this" feature like facebook with notifications, it would make replying to all these things much easier.
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