Thank you all for you comments and support for jade

August 31st, 2010
Hi Everyone
I just wanted to say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to stop and write such compassionate and caring words, comments of support for Jade. I am truly grateful and completely lost for words, i want to thank all of you and have no idea where to start.
When jade got home from school i told her theres something i want to show you, we sat down in front of the computer and brough up the 365 home page to sign in and there was jades photo on the home page Thank you so very much Ross it ment so very much to us both more then you realise, jade looked and said look mummy thats me why am i on the front page, then she giggled got all embarresed and smile, i signed in and we read all your comments and talked and laughed and cryed, jade was completed overwhelmed and cryed (happy tears) she said did all these people get picked on and make it through really they lived through it mum, we talked alot as we read throught the comments and by the end Jade had a smile from ear to ear, she is still alittle baffled as to why other people would find her beautiful but i know it help as she is now in her bed room still singing christina aguilera's i am beautiful no matter what they say over and over again hehehe and thank you so much Rick for the link to Nick Vujicic youtube clip and yes i have to agree i think god works in mysterious way, as i think jade was suppose to see this she laughed and cryed and was completely amazed, and oh laura did she laugh at your Zelda Mae photo jade said i don't want to be popular mum i just want them to leave me alone, i want to have a friend, oh i could just keep going as i want to thank you all personally but i have probably rambled enough i am so truley thankful from the bottom of my heart for your words support and help more then you will ever know or realise
Oh something else i just wanted to add is Jade is not even a teenager yet she is only 10years old and in year 4 at school and has to deal with this torment, at times it has been as horrendous i can't even begin to tell you at one stage it got physical that has stop since we went up to the school but the tormenting hasn't she is now playing with the boys at school as they look after her, this day was about making jade feel special and beautiful my friend Renea put a little bit of eye shadow on her and thats it she felt so special those rosy cheeks and red lips are all naturally hers.
I'm so completely amazed, overwhelmed and thankful and forever grateful to you all
You made a little girl smile and a mum cry today huge hugs to you all xoxo
August 31st, 2010
This nearly made me cry! Jade is a strong, beautiful girl, she can get through anything!!! Also, boys are loads more fun to play with :D
August 31st, 2010
Awww, am so glad that she feels fab, she should do! Bullies are just cowards, and children can be so cruel.. :-(
August 31st, 2010
ur jade is a delightful girl to know , she will have the last laugh at all those girls truely she will .. And hanging around boys is way cooler then bitchy girls.. She will get her best friend in time , but sounds like her mum is her true best friend and thats so important. Keep strong jade u beautiful flower !!
August 31st, 2010
This is such a touching story. I am glad to hear her spirits were lifted a little with your photo. I agree with the others, boys are way cooler to hang out with. I had only a couple close girlfriends all through school, but mostly from about year 3 through 7 or 8, a majority of the kids I hung out with at school were boys. Much less drama, and you're right, they will definitely help look out for you! =)
August 31st, 2010
I was wondering how she was doing, so I am so happy for the update. I am glad she checked out the link. I still am amazed at how I received that at that time. As I sat and listened to it, I immediately thought of your Daughter and knew it was for her. She will turn out to be a winner, just wait and see.
September 1st, 2010
awww now I am crying. Big hugs and thanks for sharing. I love Brenda's comment! Girls can be so awful and am glad that she is connecting with the boys in her class. I hope one day soon this all becomes a distant memory.
September 1st, 2010
Hang in there Jade and you too Pam I know it's not easy,my thoughts are with you both,x
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