Wrong dates given in "more details" info. on my site.

August 31st, 2010
Can someone tell me why, in the "More details" section of information on ones camera info, etc. the wrong date for the picture taken is given? It says my photos taken this week were taken in 2004! Thanks for any help you can give me...oh, the internal date in my camera IS correct.
August 31st, 2010
when you look at the picture on your desktop, you might be able to change the date in the details or properties? they come up on the bottom of the page on mine. not sure if that helps or not!
August 31st, 2010
First, I would check your camera's settings and ensure the date is set correctly...I just checked thru some of my photos and the dates are OK. If your camer is set correctly, I have no idea why wrong dates would be published...good luck!
August 31st, 2010
I very much doubt it would be the website's fault. Almost certainly because your camera is writing the incorrect EXIF data into each photo. As TJ states, check your date and time in your camera.
August 31st, 2010
Thanks for your help! I just checked my camera and it is set to the correct date and time. It's weird because the picture I posted yesterday was taken on the same day as todays pic and the "date taken" is correct on yesterdays post. Would it have anything to do with some post processing I did on the picnic edit that is free with ace membership (which I just purchased yesterday.) Sorry, but what does "EXIF" data mean? I really appreciate the help.
August 31st, 2010
I doubt picnic would cause this either, but: when you take a photograph with any digital camera, along with the image itself a bunch of extra information is stored inside the file, such as the camera make, model, date taken, resolution, f-stops, exposure settings yadda yadda yadda. This data is called EXIF (meaning Exchangeable image file format) and the 365project website (along with photoshop, lightroom, basically anything) knows how to read this, and this is where the "more info" data comes from.
August 31st, 2010
I recently found that when I resize using PSE6, I loose the meta data, which is why some of my photos have "no" information. Haven't used Picnix yet, so don't knwo what that does, GIMP seems to leave metadata in tack.

The metadata tags defined in the Exchangeable image file format (Exif) standard cover a broad spectrum:

* Date and time information. Digital cameras will record the current date and time and save this in the metadata.
* Camera settings. This includes static information such as the camera model and make, and information that varies with each image such as orientation (rotation), aperture, shutter speed, focal length, metering mode, and ISO speed information.
* A thumbnail for previewing the picture on the camera's LCD screen, in file managers, or in photo manipulation software.
* Descriptions and copyright information.
August 31st, 2010
Thank-you for the information. I guess my camera is acting funny then, but if one enters any of the theme contests the incorrect data would disqualify someone from winning! I will just fiddle with my camera, and see if I missed something...this is so frustrating! I did find one of my photos date 2004 (red boots) entered in the theme. That was taken last week!
August 31st, 2010
Quinn, that's a good question. I do not set the camera date so it defaults to 1970. (must have been a good year for cameras) Our daylight savings time has been changed and it messes up all the clocks twice each year. There is no way to fix them and I would not remember to fix the camera. Personally I know when I uploaded them so I don't care about the camera date. I guess if the theme pictures are chosen using that date then I will stop participating because my pictures would never be considered.

Question for Ross: what dates are used to determine if a picture will be considered for the weekly themes? The calandar date or something else?
August 31st, 2010
Interesting. The problem with dates seems to be my kodak software package that came with the camera. I've found that it dates the pictures, as taken 1-1-2004, even though the "date downloaded" is correct i.e. they are shown this year on the actual dates I download them. I've changed my camera to actually print the date taken on each photo so I'll see if they still continue to be dated 1-1-2004. They seem to be showing todays date, so it's not the cameras fault. I tried to change the dates under properties for the software, but it won't change and still comes up 1-1-2004. I've gone back to other downloads and sometimes the date is correct for when the picture was taken, but most of the time it is not. Sorry I just realized this glitch now. The incorrect "date taken" is what shows up on 365 so I guess I'm out for the contests too. It must be kodaks fault! Sorry if this all too confusing! I do not think it is 365's fault now.

I, too, would be interested to find what dates are taken for contest entries. I mean, even if the photo has a date from the week the theme was assigned plastered all over it, but it is said to have a date from 2004 in the "more details" info on my site, would that be considered the date?
September 1st, 2010
Maybe whatever photo editing software you are using needs to be updated? I mean maybe there is a patch for that issue.

I don't reset my camera for daylight savings so it's just an hour off right now. I always list the time I took it but until the time changes back it will be an hour off in my EXIF information.

I am also curious about the rules for the theme contests. I think the photo should have to have the correct date on it. I don't think the photos with no date or information should be considered for the theme either because anyone can remove that information and upload old photos. If the theme photos that get into the contest are supposed to be true to Ross's vision for the site, then I personally think that photos should have to have a date on them to be considered.
September 1st, 2010
I have solved the problem! Boy do I feel dumb! Appearantly when I re-charge the battery that goes in my camera I have to re-enter the date on the camera. Sometimes it remembers the date but if it's gone longer than a day without the battery, then it doesn't know the date. It's like the date everythings been coming up with, 1-1-2004 is it''s default date.

I am sorry everybody!!! Karen, I do agree with your idea for the contest rules for dates of photos to be able to be shown. Now that I've solved my problem I think I'll be able to get the dates corrected at least from now on. Sorry, again! I love 365 and wanted my photos dated correctly. :)
September 1st, 2010

For those out there that would stoop low enough to use old photo's for a theme, shame on you. Must be you are just not good enough or smart enough to capture new photo's. That is what the theme is about, current challanges
making us think about getting a NEW photo for new themes. again I say
SHAME ON YOU. Put away your camera and try something else

September 1st, 2010
In closing, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who was so patient and helpful with my digitally-challenged inexperience!
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