How do you backup your photos?

September 4th, 2010
I've been struggling with formalizing a reliable backup strategy for my photos. I have several Lacie drives (some are pictured here - I'm a Mac guy and have Time Machine running that backs up to a 2TB Lacie network drive. A friend told me I should take a backup of my backup and store it offsite. Same friend warned me that external storage devices only have a life of about 3-5 years before they start to experience failure so I should replace my storage devices or have a RAID storage device where I can swap in/out drives as they begin to fail. Wouldn't hurt to also consider DVD backup in addition to my external storage device. Wondering what others are doing to protect their photos.
September 4th, 2010
I have a spare internal drive and a single external drive which I manually copy stuff to every now and again, which I'm sure is quite retarded in this day and age, but I'm a bit of a div so never mind.

I would add that using DVDs doesn't guarantee they'll last forever either, as while wikipedia or something might tell you that DVDs are /designed/ to last seventy five thousand years or whatever, cost cutting measures and such in the real world can bring their lifespan down tremendously.

If I cared enough, it'd be a RAID array for me, one where two drives could fail and I'd still be fine.
September 4th, 2010
Steve I thought you said you were a div...and then you go and mention RAIDs.

I would if I had nas box of somesort to set up, I rely back up to 500GB usb but may be a back up of back up is not a bad idea. Again manually like Steve no fancy back up using NT or backup Exec..
September 4th, 2010
Having raids and all would be nice; however I use an offsite storage, It is very reasonable, safe, encrypted, and backsup daily. It might not be the best in terms of full harddrive crash as it would take time to pull down. However I don't have a problem with that knowing that my files are secured. Me and a fellow co-workers use this method. On the other hand I just saw on 1.5 tera drive for 80.00 usd. Drive space is on the cheap right now so I might make my box beefier.
September 4th, 2010
i'm getting a tera drive for my b-day. i haven't been backing up my photos and i'm terrified!!!
September 4th, 2010
Yeah I'm a div because I know of RAID arrays and such but can't be bothered to use them ;)
September 5th, 2010
I use MozyHome online... $103 for 2 years, unlimited space. It took almost an entire day to do the initial backup, but now I have it running 3 times a day for about 20 seconds, keeping a coimplete backup of whatever files I Want to.
September 5th, 2010
I just got myself a seagate go fllex free agent 500gb; as i use both PC & mac it works a dream between the two machines no problem ..
September 6th, 2010
I like DVD backups, although they do take a long time. I plan on getting a 1TB harddrive for a more temporary storing of my images, then slowly backing them up on DVD as time goes on.
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