Who is the youngest 365 project photographer? My son is 3 :)

September 5th, 2010
After starting my own project my son got fanatically about my camera and now he has his own project going - though I just let him run lose with the camera, then upload them, delete any with fingers over and then he and I choose the one he likes the best for the day!

I find it fascinating seeing what he chooses to photograph!

September 5th, 2010
Good for him!
Both my daughters are on here.
My oldest is 10-years-old: http://365project.org/fruitsbasketfan/profile
and my younger one is 8-years-old: http://365project.org/unicornsocrazy/profile

I think it's cool what they choose to post and write about their photos too. (:
September 5th, 2010
He's got some pretty nice photos in his Project!
September 5th, 2010
Im following Annie Manning's Little Girl who is very little..four i think.. (and soo adorable!) http://365project.org/fairypaparazzo/profile
September 5th, 2010
I regularly hand my camera over to the kids, (after some basic instructions about keeping their fingers off the camera), and you are right about the amazing pictures. The angles are obviously different, and a lot of times they will think of really interesting things to shoot that wouldn't have occurred to me.
September 5th, 2010
"Annie Manning's Little Girl" is ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing Kellyn! The world is so interesting from a child's perspective and I'm sure I'll stick a camera in my children's hands as soon as they can manage it (and as soon as I have children) :)
September 5th, 2010
My son (5) has just started his own project.. interested in what he will come up with.. he has a strange eye, to say the least. lol
September 5th, 2010
Ahhh that's adorable.
"My belly. I like it" That made me smile haha
September 6th, 2010
My daughter doesn't have a project, but she's also three and takes lots of pictures with my P&S. Some are really good, too, lol.
September 6th, 2010
wow! 5 years old! VERY IMPRESSIVE to even have them pick up the camera and learn to shoot.
September 6th, 2010
I think its great that youre all encouraging your children on 365 and Ive added them to my follow :)
My daughter has said that she'd like to and already has a few she can start her album with :)
September 7th, 2010
I'm glad to see other children are doing the same thing - Jack's already passionate about his camera time. I'm looking forward to following the other children mentioned in this thread x
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