Alternatives to Flickr?

September 6th, 2010
Know of any? I'm really not a fan of Flickr... at all. I've signed up twice but it's just not for me. I'm trying Picasaweb but still looking around. Suggestions? :)
September 6th, 2010
I know what you mean about flickr... me and that website havnt exactly "clicked" yet but I'm still trying...
I dont really have any suggestions...
well...I have heard of a site called
its sort of like 365 I think only I think you can add as many pictures as you want.
its also for art ..etc
You can comment on other people's work and you get comments too!!
I havnt really checked it out...just heard of it. but you can certainly see if its any good! :D
September 6th, 2010
I just went to check it out... it looks pretty good! I copied and pasted this from the site:

"--Browse over 100 million unique pieces of art
--Exhibit, promote, and share your art with fellow artists and art enthusiasts
--Actively participate in the largest art community in the world (over 13 million members) "

I'm signing up... just cuz :P
September 6th, 2010
I've thought about DeviantArt before but I always assumed it was for actual drawings and whatnot, which I don't really like to share. But I'll look into it and idk, follow / add you or whatever they do on there :P
September 6th, 2010
dA is pretty cool. :) I know that people really respect each other on that site. But because it's larger/more popular than 365, there is the risk that people may steal your work. Although, I'm not a member of the site so I don't know the details, but there may be account settings/privacy levels that prevent that sort of thing from happening (to an extent).
September 6th, 2010
I'm not that worried about theft; I don't want to be part of a... teenage community, if that makes sense. Needless to say, I loathe Facebook / I've outgrown Myspace and everything else is just a terrible imitation... what's a girl to do??? (Apart from having an *actual* life in the real world?) :P
September 7th, 2010
You might find quite a large angsty teenage girl presence on dA but I'm sure if you look through that there'd a decent bunch of sorts there too. Oh and furfags. *shudder*
September 7th, 2010
There is Pbase and Zenfolio
September 7th, 2010
I really like Picasa Web Albums, it is operated by Google. I had a Flickr account but I was not a fan of many of their policies, so I switched and I haven't had a single problem.

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