Catchy Titles

September 7th, 2010
I notice that even though I like to look at the photos based on their own merit, sometimes their title does influence me?

A lot of times, it seems like a good title makes a big difference. How do you decide on a title?
September 7th, 2010
I'm TERRIBLE with titles. I know it can make or break it in some cases, but I just type in whatever, to get on with it.
September 7th, 2010
I choose a two-word title for every pic. As some of you may already know, the Two-Word Association games on MS and FB are favorites of mine, so I've been having great fun deciding on my Two-Word titles... and two-sentence captions to match.
September 7th, 2010
I never even noticed that, Jeremy. Nice sentiment :)
September 7th, 2010
I don't usually have too much trouble coming up with a title...just kind of whatever pops into my head. But for the past few months of my project I have been pairing quotes with my shots as well. I will come up with a theme and then research quotes online to match-up with that quote. This can sometimes take me quite some time till I find a quote that I like. But so far, it has been very rewarding for me, so I keep up with it.
September 7th, 2010
I think titles definitely can add to a picture, and often make the audience see the picture in a new/different light. :)
September 7th, 2010
Usually what i am looking for a picture the title comes to me then as I snap the shot ... but sometimes it takes a little time .. but short titles are the key .. two words if you can as Jeremy says ..
September 7th, 2010
I have commented to a few 365er's about titles. It is an important asset to the photo.
For instance if you have a great photo and a title that just doesn't make sense the viewer could be distracted from the photo. I agree with Steve, and also have a title most often in mind when I snap the shot. Whatever you do though, just keep on taking those shots.
September 7th, 2010
Thank you everyone for your advice.

My two favorite pictures so far on my project didn't get a lot of notice. It could be that I posted more than one photo that day, but I am wondering if it also had to do with my titles. (Or maybe they aren't as good as I thought.)

I took several pictures the day of the Sept 5 picture, where the title just popped into my head. But the photo I chose to publish didn't pop any titles into my head. Thanks for providing it Richard.
September 7th, 2010
I like to have fun with my titles but I try to make sure the content of the photo is worth the glance. =)
September 7th, 2010
Perhaps I am alone then, titles arent too important to me, tho some funny ones make me giggle. I'd rather to know a little a bit about the shot though and like it when people say where it was etc.
September 7th, 2010
I love choosing titles and think they are very important. I also watch for catchy titles on other people's photos.
September 7th, 2010
I see titles are like book jacket covers. It's the first thing you see before deciding to open the book. Does the title draw your attention? Most likely but once you look deeper you may or may not look at the title any longer. Normally, I don't pay attention to the titles until after I look at the picture. I know how hard it is to come up with titles and I do like them to make sense with the pictures.
September 7th, 2010
depends on the day, sometime inspiration is there and some days not... My 2 last pictures have funny titles and I can't say why, but I know I like to giggle on people's titles :)
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