Please Forgive Me...

September 9th, 2010
So sorry for the mass of late uploads and lack of commenting etc..been super crazy since Ikey broke his arm, same night Maddy started running fevers and two sets of antibiotics later she is finally back at school (yesterday) but not 100% + Ike to worry about with his impending surgery later today that has been re-sheduled twice now..add to that my body being so run down with my health problems unfortunatley this is the best I can do ATM. The way he broke it and all has rendered him unable to use that arm at all hence I have been running from one child to the next and back and forth = super busy. Trying to keep him from being upset and frustrated is a task on it's own at times. Sorry don't want to just whinge so I'll leave it there...I do hope to catch up on most of your photos as I can and get back on top of things soon. :-)

September 9th, 2010
no big deal sarah ..... SMILE! ( HUGS) =)
September 9th, 2010
Seriously, don't worry about it. Everyone goes through times when they can't post or keep up for various reasons. You have more excuses than most and no one's going to think any the worse of you.

Hope things pick up again soon.
September 9th, 2010
Dont be sorry. We will all wait for you. Take good care of your children and yourself.

Big hugs!!!
September 9th, 2010
We understand. don't worry! Take care.
September 9th, 2010
just one thing at a time (easier said than done, granted...) breath .....and in the end all will be exactly as it should be.
September 9th, 2010
Sarah, your plate is full, my goodness. No complaining here. Just relax and look and enjoy. We all understand. Hope everything soons gets back to normal soon or close to it.
September 10th, 2010
You really have your hands full dealing with this.
Sharing some quotes from Brad @ from his facebook..."Hurry Up and Slow Down".....i guess you've done with the "Hurry", now for the "Slow Down" part.
Ikey will be alright...the docs is there for, is maddy.
Take it easy on life & on yourself. My prayers for you guys.
Love & hugs.

(p/s : SLOW DOWN, pleaseeeeee)
September 10th, 2010
Kids come first!!
September 10th, 2010
365 should be fun - PLEASE DO NOT STRESS ABOUT IT!! (I have to admit, I have been missing you!) Your health and your family absolutely come first. Hang in there.
(I have not been able to comment much these days either. That is just life.)

HUGS to you!!!!

September 10th, 2010
you are fine :) we all understand!!! :))))
September 10th, 2010
Life is full of adventures... some good and some not - not to worry about us. We will still be here when you have more time and we care about you and your family. Don't forget to take care of you, too. Hugs...
September 10th, 2010
Don't worry, SJ!! You have so many things on your plate, and it's much more important to take care of your children! I hope Ike's arm is OK and the surgery went well! I've been really busy lately, too - such is life! Your comments are always loved and appreciated, but family comes first! Hugs to you!!!
September 10th, 2010
Don't stress over us. As Lone said, we'll wait for you! These past few weeks I've been slack with 365. Too much else happening and after not missing a day for 220 plus days I'm only uploading every 2-3 days. Priorities change. Once things settle down for you I'm sure you'll be back.
September 13th, 2010
it's happens to all of us; we just love seeing the pictures!!!
September 13th, 2010
I'm so far behind that I just now found your thread and I don't have much going on at all. Whew! I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I'm sorry things are so crazy right now. I hope everyone will be on the mend soon. Hugs.
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