
September 10th, 2010
I have a list of all the goals I would like to accomplish as a photographer. I have been lucky enough to be able to cross a few of them off that list this year. Here's my top 10 (top 6 now):

1. Lightning
2. Fireworks
3. Water free falling
4. Water colliding into puddle
5. Monarch butterfly (close-up)
6. Single flame
7. Fire
8. Water bead on leaf/grass
9. Smoke
10. Rainbow

Anyone else have lists of photographs they would like to accomplish?
September 10th, 2010
my #1? my teenage son smiling for a photo. with teeth. everything else is just gravy. (:
September 10th, 2010
Yeah I have a few(in no particular order):
-eagle in its natural habitat(not in a zoo or at a bird show)
-lightning bolts
-long exposure ferris wheel(state fair is right around the corner, may have to try then)
-end to end rainbow(half circle)
-trash the dress
-carved pumpkin on fire
-portraits in rain
September 10th, 2010
Not in any particular order:
1. splashing water / fire
2. local events
3. alphabet collage
4. cemetery
5. combining pictures into one
6. strangers / construction worker
7. churches / libraries / beautiful buildings
8. there is a beautiful road, I would like to stop and take pictures along the way
9. college students
10. artwork around the city
September 10th, 2010
i love this idea!!! will have to write think of mine and write them down.
September 10th, 2010
@ Jenna-- an eagle--thats a good one!

It looks like I need to redo my list. I forgot that I did a picture of smoke too. I had done a shot of a cigarette, not even thinking of the smoke. I just posted that one (and all my other that are crossed out) to my photography page on FB ( if anyone wants to see them.
September 10th, 2010
Smoke is next on my list! My #1 is lightning and Kim, I've gotten quite a few off of your list already LOL. I just tried out the water drop thing and had a blast with it.

I have to laugh at Brett's #1 because as the mother of a teenage boy I have no smiling pictures of him! I took his senior pictures this year and all of them are the moody look LOL.

At work right now but I'll have to make a list and come back to share it.
September 10th, 2010
Great ideas, ladies. I don't have a list but I guess I'd like to try some stuff... but I'm more about whatever presents itself in the moment than trying to set a shot up... those never work out for me.
September 10th, 2010
oooh, I'd like to try smoke. My list contains people. I need to practice taking pictures of people. I think I hesitate and struggle with the telling them what I want them to do and then trying to get them to do it while looking natural.
September 10th, 2010
My top goal is to get one of those really great portrait shots on the beach. One with a sweet child/children innocence, the breeze, the golden sunset, the sand, etc. In fact, I scouted a place today. Hopefully soon!
September 10th, 2010
a fashion/portrait that represents each decade from 1920 to present through my own eyes and interpretation :-)
September 11th, 2010
I have a few and some I've managed to achieve this year but ultimately it's got to be the Northern Lights. If I can get to see them and photograph them successfully I will be really made up :)))
September 11th, 2010
I want to get a picture of someone holding an umbrella over them while it is raining and get the water beads falling around them. It would be cool to see the rain falling everywhere except on them. Thats kind of hard to explain.
September 11th, 2010
I have a journal by my bed that I write ideas in. They usually hit me in the middle of the night. Some of the things I've written down involve skills I don't have (yet!) but they run in the direction of the surreal. I really need to get the hang on PhotoShop and stop putting it off...
I'd like to experiment with water, clouds and fire. I would also like to do a series of re-creations of classic paintings (Waterhouse especially) and explore mythology a bit more.
September 11th, 2010
and dirt...I want to do something with dirt. I need models that aren't body conscious. Any volunteers?
September 11th, 2010
Ooh--here's another I've had since I was a kid--I would love to do a photo of a woman giving birth on a gravestone. can only imagine the problems managing that photo.
September 11th, 2010
1. Lightning Bolt
2. drop crowning
3. double rainbow
4. coral reef (thats gonna be a tough one)
5. pyroclastic flow (even tougher)
6. Northern lights
7. Cave
8. Niagra Falls
9. blizzard
10. tornadoe
September 11th, 2010
This is fun, I do have a few.
1) A bird - seems easy but so far they all fly off. I have a point and shoot with no zoom on it so...little things can be challenges.
2) A successful panning shot
3) The moon - I wish, I wish, I wish
4) Copycat photos - I want to browse my favorite collection and try some of the same ideas, especially with portraits I like.
5) A dancer or a street performer
6) A family ~ informal photo shoot practice
7) More strangers unaware ...sounds creepy but I don't mean it that way.

That is plenty.
September 11th, 2010
I've been at this photo-a-day thing for quite some time, so I've tons of things on my list and when I accomplish something, I'll add something else. Many of the things are getting harder and harder to do. Here's just a few of the things that are on my list.

1. lit lightbulb being shattered
2. spirol jetty
3. Somethign with a superclamp and motion
4. 1+ hour exposure with the DSLR
5. clear image of the milky way (no star trails)
6. Solargraph image (6 month exposure from one solstace to the other)
7. A photo from a kite
8. Shoot in an abandoned building
9. A shot of a California Condor
10.Shoot the Subway at Zion National park
September 11th, 2010
(from almost impossible to impossible)

~lightning (probably hit a "one tree hill")
~volcano eruption (prefer a top view)
~snow (with bare naked people and penguins)
~grand canyon (as a background for a red ferrari, with me doing the "peace" sign)
~portrait of lady gaga or any popular person with such a character (or Lebron James kissing his first ever championship trophy)

cheers guys!

(from almost impossible to impossible) or the other way around! =)

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