Take The Time To...

September 15th, 2010
Hey Guys... i just wanted to throw a suggestion out there, because i've noticed it's REALLY easy to miss fantastic pictures on here! i'm sure the "notifications" thing will help alot, but every now and then it'd be cool to look back on some of your fellow 365-ers' pages to see if they did a 'filler' picture that you might've missed. i know it get's tough to see / comment on everyone's new pictures, especially if you're 'following' alot of people! it's something i've started doing and i've come across quite a few amazing pictures that i missed from lack of time to go through my home page and see every single picture that was uploaded in the past 24 hrs none the less longer then that! so, when you have the rare chance in your busy life to take an hour off, grab your computer and see if you can make a new discovery! :)
September 16th, 2010
i've done this from time to time..... and you're right, you can find some great shots!!! great suggestion!
September 16th, 2010
Nice reminder. Sometimes I read through the topics and see a name I am not familiar with, so I gotand take a peek in the project to see the work they are showing.

Or sometimes someone will comment on a pic of mine and I check to see who they are following.. Its a bit like being a nosey parker, but you are quite right Rae, there is some amazing talent on here that goes unnoticed.
September 17th, 2010
i'm glad you agree :) this has been bothering me for a couple weeks. so i did somethin bout it :) haha
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