What Makes You..

September 16th, 2010
I've always wondered while going through your home page looking at all the photos, what makes you actually click on the photo and look at it?
Is it the colors? The lighting? The subject matter?

I just thought this would be a cool thing to hear from everybody because everyone has such different preferences in the art they like!

Personally for me color is a big thing that draws me in. Though most of my photos don't have it, I really love vibrant colors that just pop out at you.
I also love when people use shadows and light in interesting way.
September 16th, 2010
Depends on a million things, but I guess the main one is my mood that day. Color is a huge one. Man, thats a good question! :P
September 16th, 2010
If it looks like an interesting picture, that I want to see the detail. Sometimes it is color, sometimes subject matter. Generally if I like the picture enough to comment on it, I will click on it to make sure I am seeing the whole thing.
September 16th, 2010
Vibrant colours, sunsets, comical, anything London based, even if someone added a description and a you tube video. Depends on loadsa of things I guess, really does depends on my current mood, like what Anthony said.
September 16th, 2010
Colour and graphic detail are what catch my eye first.
Interesting faces, most often children, are another.
But, like Aaron, it could be anything and really depends on my mood.

Fun....I like fun and funny, too.
Oh and food. ;-)
September 16th, 2010
if the photo is of something that looks different than the usual...and yeah if its bright or if i cant tell what it is right away from looking at the small picture
September 16th, 2010
Having the time!! When I have it, I try and look at as many as possible :-)
September 17th, 2010
shallow dof shallow dof shallow dof
and maybe colours. :D
September 17th, 2010
Usually color grabs my eye.. then if it looks out of the ordinary i click on it. I also am fascinated with macro and water photos, so if it has something to do with that i will most likely look at it
September 17th, 2010
Great question - never really thought about it.

Colour is an obvious one as it can stand out in a small thumbnail.

Will have to have a think next time i am viewing my home page to see and report back.
September 17th, 2010
Usually the colors / subject matter, or just the person who posted it. I like to keep up with everyone I follow, as well as loooads of others.
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