A Photo Every Day For 365 Days, or...

September 21st, 2010
Or just 365 photos, and actually put them on the day you took them?

The thing is, guys, I'm having trouble taking a photo every day now that school started and, well, other stuff. :P I'm not feeling as inspired as usual. However, that doesn't mean I don't take butloads of photos. They just aren't turning out very well, and so I don't want to upload them.

So, my question is this: Should I continue posting a photo every day for 365 days, or should I upload when I have a nice photo and continue until I have 365? Obviously, that would take more than a year, but I would like your advice.

(Also, if I decide to continue with a photo every day, there are going to be photo dumps. Which I dislike, because people are less likely to comment on them. :P)

Thanks for your help,
Stephanie C:
September 21st, 2010
Your project, your rules.

Sometimes I go ahead and post a photo even if I am not totally satisfied with it. Other people can often find beauty in it when I couldn't. Plus, it can help me see how I am progressing over time.

When I can't take pictures, or have really crappy pictures, I find one from the past that I haven't posted yet.
September 21st, 2010
well said.

"your project, your rules" I like it.

For me, it is a photo taken and uploaded every day. If anyone likes it (or hates it) enough to comment on it, I'm very pleased and humbled, but I'm happy to have gotten the photo done that day. I use the site more as structure encouraging me to continue the project.

I'm still at one taken per day (and so far, one uploaded per day). They're not all good (if any of them are is debatable, but some are not as good as others). and I fully expect to have some clunkers along the way.

Especially if I get extremely bust at work. I haven't taken a photo of my laptop yet, but it may happen.

today for example is an extremely busy day, I'm at work at 8:00 am, leaving here around 6pm, and heading to class after. Who knows, I may take a photo of the wheel of my truck in the parking lot at school.
September 21st, 2010
I try to take a photo every day (carry a camera in your bag so you can pull it out at any time - saves time that way), but don't always managed. I don't always upload every day. That just isn't possible ith other stuff. Do what you feel is best for you, based on what you want from the project.
September 21st, 2010
The traditional 365 project is to take photos every day and post your best one, but I know lots of people on here who do otherwise. I think it's important to stick to the parameters you've given yourself. If you started to post a photo you took that day, continue no matter the quality; if not, then continue to post your best work regardless of the day you took it.

Having said all that, this isn't an implicit criticism of anybody here, but I don't see much point to this site if you just post any photo you've taken... otherwise why not just use Flickr or any of the other photography sites out there? I post a photo I took that day. I'm 127 days in, and it's hard work but ultimately very rewarding!
September 21st, 2010
I am seeing people become overwhelmed by their desire to photo document a year in their life with trying to get onto the popular page. They don't necessarily go hand-in-hand. If you look at the details on a lot of the "poplular" page pictures you will find a date taken. In many cases the pictures are much older than expected.

Ask yourself one question; why am I doing this? Is it to grow as a photographer, to document a day in your life, or to showcase your previous work? If you can answer that question, you will know what to do.

Keep in mind that the general population here is expecting a glimpse of your day. Now, how you choose to take that picture and present it to us, is really your choice. Do not get caught up in trying to compete with well established photographers here. Even they have off days.

My opinion only is to do what works for you. Do not apologize nor give an explanation as to your motives. Just do what is best for you. After all it is your project and your memories to be documented for you.
September 21st, 2010
it depends on your purpose for undertaking the project. :)

i want to develop the discipline that comes with taking a photo a day and picking the best for that day, even if i'm not happy with the photo. :p
September 21st, 2010
I think you should do whatever is practical for you.
I do take photos everyday but I may not get around to uploaded them for a day or two. Generally, the picture you see today, is from last night. I take most of my shots in the afternoon /evening, but them on the laptop and edit them at night, then post them in the a.m. That is the easiest for me. Unfortunately, life gets in the way of doing it any other way, between work, home and family.
I am using this project as a way to better my photog skills by learning from fellow 365ers and to show others my work. I don't spend alot of time editing and "creating" my shots because I just don't have the time. I think you should do the project, how you enjoy it best.

I also don't think you should worry about how many comments you get, what matters is that like your shot & it means something to you : )
September 21st, 2010
Without sounding redundant - do what's best for you. Nobody is here to judge. I chose to do this in a way that meant a photo a day - taken on the day. I was pretty distraught the first time it hit midnight and I hadn't taken a photo, but I took one within a few minutes and eventually got over it. Now I stick to taking one before bed but even so, it'd just habit to take a few throughout the day anyway, so I pick whichever depicts my mood for the day. I could get a really sweet shot of a kitten (though I would prefer not to) but if I've had a miserable day and also got a shot of a dustbunny, I'd post the dustbunny. True story :)
September 21st, 2010
@vikdaddy Completely agree.
September 21st, 2010
@vikdaddy I agree with you about using 365 vs flicker. But I also see the need to be flexible about the rules. I started out trying to take a picture that was representative of the day, but quickly decided I would rather use the site to improve my photography skills instead of documenting my life.

I take photos throughout the day. The next morning, I see what I took and choose the best one. Sometimes there are many great shots, other times they are all crappy. Since the day is over, I can't make up for any deficiencies. I decided that if a crappy day was preceded by a good day, I should be able to go back and show that instead. Still, all the photos on my site are pretty much in chronological order, so my progress throughout time is still apparent. I also had a rule of no more than two pictures from one day, but I am breaking that this week.

This rule also makes it easier for me to take risks - last night, I tried to take a picture of the moon, but wasn't able to. Sure I could post a black photo with a white speck on it, but I'd rather show you something that I thought was pretty good.
September 21st, 2010
interesting topic stephanie.....
as Shelina Virjee sez

" Your project, your rules."
(the best answer)

with no pressure.....

September 21st, 2010
so far, for me, it is a photo a day on the day.... but my page, my rules: your page, your rules!!
September 21st, 2010
I like the challenge of trying to find a photograph every day because it makes me look at even ordinary things I never even noticed before in a new light (like the wheel of the truck!) - it doesn't have to be a beautiful or technically good picture, but just one that says something about my day in a way that will be fun to look back on. Now and then I do use a picture from the day before if it's something I just love so much I can't bear not to use. I love looking at everyone else's pictures - the ones that are fabulous works of art from great photographers, the ones that document a very different life on other side of the world, ones from someone up the road who sees the same things I see in a different way and the ones from people who are warm-hearted or thoughtful or funny or silly - they are all great. Not sure how any of this helps, but this is my take on the project! I hope you will continue to enjoy it however you decide to work it.
September 21st, 2010
Most of mine are taken on the day, or rolled over from the day before. Unless they are perhaps one i've dug out from the past. the mainly get rolled over because I find limited inspiration working in a basement and commuting day in day out and if I have a picture from two days ago, then why not use it?

Just depends on how much inspiration i'm feeling on the day.
September 21st, 2010
I do a photo every day for 365 days, though there are one or two days I didn't take a picture and posted an older one (and then said that it was taken on such-and-such day instead). I have taken a few last minute shots just so I have a photo, but I try to make my photos a little reflective of my day, too, even if it's not the most artistic or photographically pleasing. I think it's entirely up to you how you want to do your 365 Project.
September 21st, 2010
I will say the best advice was what @Shelina Virjee said "Your project Your rules"
that said.. yes the whole point of 356 is to take a new pic every day and post them for that day to learn and grow and document your year. Personally I have had some horrible days or psycho days or sick days that I did not take a pic. Also on some days I capture hundreds. I want to complete my project without holes... so if I miss a day I fill it in but with a nearby day's image.. not something from forever ago. Mainly because I want to share it because I am proud of it, but also because seeing that blank day drives me nuts.
But you know what? The best pics on here are usually when i am challenging myself for that day's pic.
So do what you like!
September 21st, 2010
I agree-Your Project, Your Rules. Nobody is getting paid for their work, or the Popular Page, OR the Top 20, and this is supposed to be fun!
I take photos every day and this Project keeps me going in that regard. However, I may not feel like posting what I took today--I may want to post something I took yesterday, or several days ago. Bottom line is that I post a photo that is meaningful to me on THIS day. At the end of the year, I'll be able to look back on my Project and remember each day--how I felt, what I did and how I chose to express that in an artistic way.
September 22nd, 2010
@clarissajohal I like your attitude.
September 22nd, 2010
i have the same problem with school and all. I think you should do what you feel is best. I have a really hard time not uploading photos day by day but that is just me. Do what you feel is best for you!
September 22nd, 2010

Your comment:

"Who knows, I may take a photo of the wheel of my truck in the parking lot at school. "

It just might be a great picture - look at what I saw in a car wheel:

I thought it turned out pretty good.
September 22nd, 2010
I am at the beginning of my way here but your question is already relevant to me. I stuck strictly to the rule ( I adopted freely) to post a photo of the same day in that day. Because of that I found myself ridiculously trying to get home before midnight to load up a photo of that same day. Also there are days I do not like any of the photos. But as said above, I think that you can find resources in yourself that will make a good or interesting photo in looking at the ordinary simple things around you in a different way or a different angle
September 22nd, 2010
My two cents- I find the strictly "true to life" photos just as interesting as the exceptionally well-done ones- so if you have a mix that's great! We can't all take an incredibly inspired photo every day- but I like to think everybody has at least one interesting thing happen a day- so take a picture of either! Both are interesting and insightful for your followers! Just taking a technically good photo every day can make also become very impersonal- so I think that you need to let the project work for your needs. I enjoy both the photo critiques/ trying to increase my knowledge and skill set, but I also like the social interaction, so I personally like a mix of both good shots and "snapshots".

I like it- your project, your rules. Well said! I agree with several others above- what is the point of the project for you? Answering that question for myself really helped me to find a balance!
September 23rd, 2010
Usually I post here new photos, taken some days before the uploading or in the same day. Exceptions to join the weekly theme (for exemple my theme-humor photos were takene in july).
September 23rd, 2010
I try to take a photo everyday. Sometimes when I get film back from developing I upload some scans of those for a day or two, even though I might've taken them months earlier (first time seeing them, tho!). If I do a massive motorsports event I usually use photos of it for two days because one of those days I spend all day editing photos and don't feel like taking a new one.
September 23rd, 2010
Everybody has already said what's true: Your project, your rules. Maybe it would be nice to mention, in the caption, if the photo was not taken that day, and why. Personally, I have posted all my pics from the same day, and hope to continue.
September 24th, 2010
New to 365 today--woo hoo! My personal goal is to take at least one photo every day and post one I like. ...or post one anyway even if it isn't any good. ...which could be often.
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