Volunteer you time, make a memory that lasts forever.

September 24th, 2010
I just want to mention this organization. It's a wonderful way to give a small amount of your time to someone else. They will treasure the pictures you create for the rest of their life.


What is Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep?
[NILMDTS] is a not for profit 501(c)(3) organization consisting of photographers volunteering their time and services to families that are experiencing the death of an infant. At the parents request, an affiliated photographer will meet with the family at a hospital or hospice location to help parents create beautiful heirloom memories of their child. Our affiliated photographers are dedicated to making this photography session as loving, sensitive and private as possible. NILMDTS has provided thousands of families of babies who are stillborn or are at risk of dying as newborns with free professional portraits with their baby


September 24th, 2010
oh, i think this organization (or a similar one) provided photos to a dear friend of mine. thank you for the link, and the reminder.
September 24th, 2010
Wonderful organization! We had some friends of ours that were just blessed by this 10 months ago when they lost their baby girl. Very much worth your time!
September 24th, 2010
Brett & Angie- it's wonderful hearing others that have had a good experience with it. I've heard so many great things, I really want to volunteer my time.
September 24th, 2010
This organisation is brilliant! I know a number of photogs involved in it, and they all rave about the extraordinary gift NILMDTS gives, and the profound change it can cause in those who give.
September 24th, 2010
I've heard of a simliar photographer here locally that does this. I can't remember her name at the moment though. It is a really personal and compassionate thing to do for the friends and families who are dealing losing someone they love. Kudos to all who participate in this project.
September 24th, 2010
This is wonderful but I know that there is no way I could do this. Just reading this makes me want to cry. I don't think I could shoot through the tears. ='(
September 24th, 2010
@autumnseden How about Operation Love? www.oplove.org

It's free photo sessions for families of a soldier deploying or coming home.. Very Sweet!
September 24th, 2010
I work in labor and delivery and we have used many photographers from this organization. I too have stepped in and done a lot of the images. I have a special connection and care for parents suffering such a loss.
September 25th, 2010
My baby was born 25 years ago, 4 weeks early, with a collapsed lung, an enlarged and overactive spleen, portal hypertension, fibrosis of the liver, and end stage renal failure ( via Polycystic Kidneys ).
They whisked her away to Children's Hospital, while I was recovering from a c-sec at mine. I wasn't even even able to hold her.
The next day, the Drs told us to prepare for her death.

Amazingly, she was a fighter, and 25 years - and a successful kidney transplant later - she's getting married in 2 weeks!

But, I remember being so frazzled that taking photos didn't even occur to me...until she was 2 weeks old. And then I panicked that i didn't have any.
I still wasn't able to hold her at that time, but I was able to get a few shots of her in her isolet, with 5 IV tubes sticking out of various places on her body.
The photos are overexposed, and not very clear, but they are so important to me.
A reminder of just how far she's come!

We were so very blessed that our daughter made it.
I know there are many parents who aren't so fortunate.

Thanks to everyone who takes part in this wonderful program.

September 25th, 2010
@cvcraven That is much more my speed! I will have to check that out!
September 25th, 2010
Oops... That should say Operation Reunited Love
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