Still life.. or landscapes?

September 28th, 2010
So, like some of you know, I've taken a break last month, for about a week, maybe two, and started a "fresh" start (not really. haha). I was very very uninspired, because I loved taking pictures of landscapes *only* . So I promised myself, that I will try as much as I can to not take pictures of landscapes this month.
I really need your opinion though.
What am I better in? Landscapes? Or still lifes?
Any critique or advice is definitely okay with me :)
September 28th, 2010
I like all your pictures. I ask myself does it really matter? Photography is about capturing a moment in time. If you are doing the theme then you should do all still life otherwise since you want to stay away from landscapes then how about doing the a-z challenge with us?
September 28th, 2010
I truly like your photos Dalia, the last one of the spoon, very nice, as well as the perfume bottle. They were both effective stills, at least in my eyes. I think we all have our comfort zone, and that is where we tend to stay most of the time. I too like the outdoor photos, landscapes, buildings, etc. I've never done many still life shots, primarily because of lighting and set-up. I think it is just a matter of taking some time to practice with lighting, backdrops, subjects and then build on it by taking a variety of them, and playing with the lighting. It is something I want to practice, but just haven't taken the time to do. I would also like to do more portrait work, but there again, lighting and set-up is a big part of it. I would agree with Dorrena, photography is your outlet, it is what you enjoy, but it is nice to be able to do a variety.
September 28th, 2010
I think your still lifes are a little better, seems like more thought went into them.
September 28th, 2010
Hi Dalia. This response is coming from someone with no expertise. Just someone who enjoys looking at your pictures very much! Needless to say, I think all of your photos are amazing, but the still life photos these past few days have just knocked my socks off! They are unbelievably creative, and look like every last detail was planned and thought out. I have studied them, and wondered how long it took you to not only come up with the idea, but to get it all set up in order to start shooting, and then to edit. They are breath taking. Honestly, you should take pictures of what makes you happy, or what's the point, but you are talented enough to master both.
September 28th, 2010
Why not both :) you rock at it regardless
September 28th, 2010
I agree with Sheri's comments...and have fun with whatever you're photographing! :)
September 28th, 2010
Dalia, you are a fabulous photographer no matter what you are taking pictures of! I used to only take pictures of landscapes and flowers up until I started taking classes. Now I'll take a picture of just about anything LOL! I'm happiest when I'm taking pictures and I love looking at other people's work as well.
September 28th, 2010
I agree with Lameez, you don't have to have one style, but i have to say i'm loving your recent shots!
September 28th, 2010
You are artistic and creative with both kinds of shots. I loved your self-portrait and your portrait of little Adam, so i'm thinking you might also be great at shooting portraits. Something tells me you are good with people! Just an idea for the future, should you feel uninspired. The images you are taking though are gorgeous, so go in whatever direction inspires you.
September 28th, 2010
i think ur good >> BOTH! =)
September 28th, 2010
Why would you try NOT to take pictures of something you love taking?? take other photos as well, as all yours are really, really nice.
September 28th, 2010
My daughter just said to me the other day, "Mom, you seem to be taking an awful lot of sunsets. Maybe you should change it up." So.... I'm trying to stay away from those great cloud and sun setting shots. That's what I'm attracted to I guess. I think you are equally talented in both still life and landscape. Whatever tickles your fancy. :-)
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