How To keep Up With It

September 28th, 2010
Hi all i just started my 365 project on sunday what is the best way to keep up with the project ?

and i would like to become friedns with some of u share ideas and ect.... friendship
September 28th, 2010
Do the best you can to make a photo every day. Use the weekly theme as an inspiration if you like. Make comments on other people's photos and participate in discussions.
September 28th, 2010
Keep trying different techniques. Learn to look at things differently all the time. Learn how to play with editing. Challenge yourself is probably the most important thing to think about because I read, all to often, that people are bored or not inspired to take anything better then what they uploaded. My personal opinion is we all have blocks at some point so give yourself room to consider different kinds of pictures. Don't appologize ever about what you post because it is personal and really the only one that it matters to is you. Oh, and don't worry if you don't make the "popular page", it's an enigma to us. ;-)

Ok, well it looks like I have learned a few things in my short time here. ;-) Hope it helps. Welcome!
September 28th, 2010
I find that I take photos pretty much everyday , and I'm on the PC EVERYDAY so it is not that hard to keep it up. When I dont have a photo from that day I will put in one of my old ones, and I will state that it was not taken that day.. I think its up to you how you do your project.. some people are so busy that they cant keep up, and some have more time than others.. I think you have to be comfortable in your ability to do this project. good luck.
September 28th, 2010
Hi! I would suggest that you slowly build up the ammount of people you follow. If you have just started and follow everyone then it gets very overwhelming trying to catch up! But also do get involved with the community, in the themes, forums etc, and you will learn from each others work making an enjoyable and fun experience! Good Luck!
September 28th, 2010
Make sure you always have your camera with you. If you have it with you, anything becomes a photo-op. This morning, after I was at work, my wife calls and says "have you seen the sunrise?" Yes, I do get to work before sunrise. LOL. Anyway, I immediately thanked her and ran out the door with my camera. When I get home, I'll process the images (they are in RAW format right now) and one of them will be my photo for today.
I guess what I'm saying is just be ready, something will present itself.
September 28th, 2010
Welcome !! We just joined about 3 weeks and although we don't get to take pictures everyday, when we do upload some (usually a couple times a week), I make sure I fill in all days so there are no gaps in my calender. It's nice here because you can do what works for you....either do a "year of photos of your life" or "learn to become a better photographer" (that's what we are doing). Also, join in on the weekly themes and the "Browse and Pick". That's a nice way to see what others have done and be able to comment on them and they can comment on yours too. Feel free to ask any questions too.
It was very nice when I joined that I had my first follower within 10 minutes !! People have been very friendly and helpful :)
I just clicked on your "Follow" button so now you have 2 followers !!
September 28th, 2010
if you need more inspiration, is a great site!
September 28th, 2010
Welcome to the site.... but you need to begin!!! Then you can worry about keeping going!!!!! Good luck.
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