SLR Pinhole Body Cap

September 30th, 2010

Anyone here tried this?

"Cameras have gotten pretty darn complex these days what with their deluxe panoramic stitching functions and all.

But before we even start trying to figure out the inner-workings of such technologically advanced picture-makers, we remind ourselves that all we really need is one simple equation.

Hole + box = photo. Sure, oatmeal boxes make great pinhole cameras, but there’s another way!: the SLR Pinhole Body Cap, the most simple yet revolutionary way to get that beautifully lo-fi pinhole look.

Slap this no-dust cap onto your Canon EOS or any Nikon DSLR (works on film SLRs also; no adapters needed!) and shoot through a most precisely made and perfectly round pinhole."
September 30th, 2010
No but it did make me wonder whether I should try poking a hole in an old lens cap and save myself $50!
September 30th, 2010
It seems pretty expensive for what is basically a piece of plastic with a hole in it.
October 1st, 2010
l'd just make my own, but remember that, due to the digital sensor design, anything from about f/11 (wider for APS-C cameras) onwards, your image is going to get really soft. Pinholes tend to work better with film. Not that it can't be fun with digital.
October 1st, 2010
thanks for the link! @jinximages thanks for the information :D
October 1st, 2010
yeah, $50 is kind of expensive. But ok, suppose I bite? They still charge shipping!

To answer the question, I've never tried this on my DSLR. I have some old body caps from some old cameras. Keeping the dust out might be an issue. Thanks for sharing the link.
October 1st, 2010

for anyone who might be interested. Its a slight bit cheaper. I really dig the idea. Again, thanks so much for bringing this up.
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