What Do You Want Out Of 365?

October 3rd, 2010
Well ive been here a little while now & i was wondering what everyone else wants out of 365?
Im so overwhelmed by all the comments on my photos as ive never really had much oh thats good in my lifetime. So this makes me grin like an idiot lol
Im not really into competing so the themes dont really interest me unless i see something on my travels which fits the theme.
Id love to get a photo into the top 20 but looking at the amount of favs,comments they get i have yet to find that special shot,but i will keep searching & hope i get a bit of luck too.
I like finding new people to follow & absolutely love all animal shots so they tend to my favs.
The warmth i get from everyone when im ill makes me love this community so much so big thumbs up to 365!!!! :O) x
October 3rd, 2010
I'm not entirely sure. At first, it was just to try something different but I've since come to really enjoy the interraction with other people on here. So many different people from all over the world coming together so well, to support what are essentially strangers. And the photos are fun too :D
October 3rd, 2010
I've always had a sort of passing intrest in Photography but never really pursued it to be honest until i came across 365 and signed up. I love everything about it and there is just so much talent and creativity here, I look at all the stunning shots and think "I'd love to be able to capture something like that" so HOPEFULLY one day I'll get to a stage where i might be able to. I only have a point and shoot camera at the moment and i really need to get an SLR to help me improve. I love the community feel to 365 and cant wait to get in from work now to see everyones uploads and see if anyone has commented on mine :-)
I've also found that i go for more walks and drives now in the hope of seeing something nice and interesting to catch,and my little girl who's 6 now likes to come along with her camera too which i think is brilliant!
I am however my own worst critic and stress myself that my photo for that day is rubbish or boring or whatever so to get comments and feedback from people is great and i would like to thank everyone who has decided to follow me or comment on any of my photos,your all very much appreciated!!!
All in all i would say to anyone intrested in photography.....get yourself signed up!!!
October 3rd, 2010
Yeah definetly agree Annie I love seeing other parts of the world that i know i will never reach x
October 3rd, 2010
I've always been mildly into the idea of photography, but never got around to really making time to do it properly, or try and get better at it. Doing this, then, has forced me to do that, so that's one thing. I also wanted to see if I could actually be a bit creative, instead of just a massive nerd, and try to express that somehow, so that's number two. Thirdly there's a nicely mixed community here which it's pretty fun to be a part of, although that was never something I outright wanted, just discovered along the way.

I also want it to make me some toast but I guess it won't, so I'ma have to go to that myself now :(
October 3rd, 2010
@cleaty Yeah totally Moray im the same i take so much more walks & drives to find interesting places,Might come up to Blair Drummond in the spring next yr we havent been for yrs.
I have only had my dslr for just over a month & saved for yrs so its now my prized posession i do also use my p&s just for easiness at times.
My old art teacher always used to say its not the camera its the eye behind it but i must admit is does help to have a good set up i just need santa to answer my macro lens call for my xmas lol. & great your daughter is starting young i was 9 when i 1st went camera crazy.
Nah you will have to make your toast im afraid!!! lol
October 3rd, 2010
@eyebrows Weng is the toast of 365 :)
October 3rd, 2010
I am getting exactly what I was after in respect of using my camera every day, and improving my skills as a photographer, it really has opened up the world of photography as well as the my own creative side.
The added bonus is the superb community that is the 365ers, generous to a fault.
October 3rd, 2010
I want people to enjoy looking at my (dreadful) photographs, and to send me chocolate through the post... :)
October 3rd, 2010
My husband challenged me to take up this Project--as a bit of a joke, I think!
I've always run from the camera, my mom modeled and consequently I grew up with a camera in my face 24/7. Because of that, I've pretty much avoided anything camera-related. Since I started the Project, however, I've found that I really enjoy being BEHIND the lens! So, I guess this Project is/has been/will be a journey. (And maybe my children will even get a couple of photos of me in the process--they're always complaining they have none!)
October 3rd, 2010
@manek43509 Well shoot, you only had to ask....lol
October 3rd, 2010
I started out just wanting accountability to take daily shots to the best of my ability that day, given whatever circumstances happen that day. But I have gotten so much more.
1. I make more of an effort to see the beauty in the regular wanderings, and I have taken the time to go places and talk to people I wouldn't have otherwise.
2. I look at other people's pictures, and that helps raise the bar of what I should be able to accomplish. I am hoping this happens through osmosis, because I don't know the techniques yet!
3. I have learned new things about countries and people and plants and animals from all over the world, even stuff I see everyday.
4. I enjoy the camaraderie with the fellow 365ers.

What do I want now? I want you to push me farther. If I offer you a crappy shot, don't say "that's nice." Tell me you expect better tomorrow. Actually, be nice, and just tell me what I could have done to improve the shot. Tell me how to make it worthy of your click, because I apparently don't know or I wouldn't have offered it to you.

Oh yeah, send @eyebrows some toast, and send me some chocolate too.
October 3rd, 2010
I just want it to keep being what it is : an opportunity to see all the beautiful things around me, and to improve my photography skills. And of course, a reason to take pics! And, the support of other 365 ers. I don't do this project exclusively for the comments, but of course I'm happy when I get some.
October 3rd, 2010
I started as an exercise about discipline. Now, I got to meet nice people, and I liked very much interacting, learning, seeing beautiful photos.
I never expect nothing from people or things, and I do believe that I make my way throughout life trying to get the best of myself. On my 365th photo here, I will print all of them, I will make a book and give as a gift to my mother, and between photos I will put my favorites poems.
October 3rd, 2010
Thats an amazing idea to do that for your mother x
October 3rd, 2010
I had googled "Photoshop class" and the 365 project came up too. It caught my interest, and since I am a complete beginner, I thought "what the heck". It has turned out to be so amazing. Not only does it force me to get my camera out (almost) every day, but like many people above me said, it makes me go places I haven't gone, and notice things I wouldn't have noticed before. I really enjoy looking at the beautiful photos that people put on here, and the creativity that they have. I am in awe of the talent. I also REALLY enjoy getting to see and "meet" people from all over the world. How cool is that!! It turns out my favorite part of 365 is the community. It feels like having this amazing group of friends that I don't have to share. They are just mine. I log on to my computer every day so excited to see if anyone has left a post on one of my photos, or to see what they have put up for the day. It has started a passion monster!! Love it!

October 3rd, 2010
I'm by no means a great photographer, but I have always been fascinated by those who are. I thought why not share my not so amazing but important to me photos with the world and see if anybody wants to see what is beautiful to me. So here I am giving it a whirl.
October 3rd, 2010
I was told about this site, so i checked it out. I am not good with computers and this was easy to do, otherwise i would have dropped at the first hurdle.I am in a camara club and i do well but it is a very trad club, so to see all your photos that can be of everyday objects and yet be beautiful is great, It has made me look at the WAY i take photos.I now realise i was trying to hard and it can be any object and still be a great photo. When i load a photograph and somone comments on it, i grin from ear to ear, everyone is so nice and the photographs are awasome, i love the Themes not to win it(not that i am any where near that level) but to really think and look for somthing to take. Thanks for all your kind comments and help.
October 3rd, 2010
My friend got me to try this out and I had no idea what it was. Actually thought it was a Facebook thing. Slowly I got to realise what a great, friendly encouraging place 365 is and now I'm basically living a 365-existence where I've experienced new things simply because of a photo I wanted to take. I don't really know what I want to get out of it all apart from more of the same please!
October 4th, 2010
I often feel like life passes me by so fast that I never really live it as much as just get through it. I have gotten two things out of 365 in my short time here. One is that I have several images already that I can look at and remember a moment that I slowed down enough to enjoy and that without the photo would be lost in my frantic shuffle. The second is that I have started looking for those moments and making time for them and in doing so am finding myself enjoying life more. I'm liking the changes.
October 5th, 2010
Just like Sheri (@petersonsheri) I was looking for something different, in fact the Clouds 365 Project, but googled "365" and the 365 Project appeared. I thought it could be fun and signed in. Minutes after I invited a friend that is also an enthusiast like me.

In the beginning I was really trying to take one photo a day, but then I realized that I could also post photos taken before, starting "series" dedicated to some kind of personal theme, celebration, world event, etc.

As the days went by I realized that the 365 Project makes a very special kind of personal calendar / photo blog / diary that is very interesting to revisit from time to time.

For me the main purpose of the 365 Project is to learn; learn from others, learn from yourself, be inspired to do something you saw, open your horizons, post photos you never thought you could use or even capture, improvise, improve.

I never thought that I would even "deserve" a comment, let alone followers. Now I'm really hooked by all the most generous comments I get once in a while and I really appreciate all the people that took some of their time to wrote them.

As from now all I want is to keep learning from all of you and keep being inspired by you.
October 6th, 2010
I joined 365 Project because I thought it was a great way of compiling a pictorial diary (or blog) of a year in my life. Having found the site not long before my 45th birthday I thought it would be a good idea to document my 46th year through 365 pictures.

This dictates my self imposed rules within which I will compile the pictorial record of my 46th year:-

1/ I will take pictures every day.
2/ I will only add a picture for any day that was actually taken on that day.
3/ I will upload a picture every day (as long as I have access to a computer)

So far so good but I still have 340 days to go!

The great thing about this site is the support and community spirit that exists between photographers of all ages and abilities across all corners of the world.

I can't think of any other site I frequent and/or contribute to where there is such a spirit of collective endeavor, of taking the journey together but where we all travel a slightly different route, sharing our highs and lows along the way. So much positive feedback, so many positive vibes. So many new friends.

October 6th, 2010
I already took pictures for my facebook cooking, gardening, and photowalk pages and wanted to step beyond what was normal for me. I want to push the creative side and this site is the perfect venue for me. I don't have to commit to doing lots of pictures, which I do for my facebook pages, and that leaves me free to really explore what I can do with the pictures I post here. This also creates a photodiary of my days that I print out and tape to my calendar at home as a visual reminder.

As a result of doing this project I have become a better photographer. I can see it in all my pictures. That's a good benefit to doing something everyday. We just get better at it. This project has prompted me to setup a facebook page with my pictures that I post here for constructive critiquing by the public because I am considering selling stock photos. While I am learning more about that end of photography I am having a fun time learning about editing.

So, all in all, I am achieving what I set out to do and have made some very cool 365 buddies as a result. What's not to like about that?!
October 6th, 2010
@alecio --- I would love to have a photobook that my children have made. Your mom will love it. :-)
October 6th, 2010
@dmortega If I had kids, I would probably photograph EVERY SINGLE BREATH THEY TAKE... but not in a bizarre way
October 6th, 2010
@indiannie_jones --- I have a house full of pictures. Mostly taken with a 35mm camera. I need to get the negatives to Costco and put onto dvd.

One thing that I have done for my kids is to give them a picture Christmas ornament every year since they were born. When they decorate the tree, they immediately pull out their ornament boxes and every picture and ornament they have gotten from me are then put on the tree. If any room is left, I get to add some bulbs. ;-)
October 6th, 2010
@dmortega That sounds great! My mother is the complete opposite. At least with me, haha. I guess she got it out of her system with the first two and then when I came along (ten years after the second) she didn't bother :/
October 6th, 2010
@indiannie_jones --- This is really become important to both my kids and they go straight for the Christmas stocking to see their new picture ornament. It's a tradition that I started because I wanted them to be able to look at their own Christmas tree one day when I can no longer share the holiday with them, and remember. I know they will smile and remember me, their dad, and pets, and special moments.

I know lots of people who don't bother with even taking pictures. My family for example never took any pictures ever. So, it's really just me. I hope you do those things that will bring you the most joy in your life for your own family when the time comes. You will never regret it nor will your kids.
October 6th, 2010
@dmortega Dorrena, I'm really glad I 'met' you :) just so you know!

That really is something to cherish. I would love to do stuff like that. If I ever am in that position, I definately will!! I've always said that if I'm a mom someday, I'll learn to bake :D
October 6th, 2010
@indiannie_jones --- me too. Are you one facebook? I looked up your name and found many hits. You will have better luck looking me up. Send me a freind request, if you are on facebook.
October 6th, 2010
@dmortega Done! :) (I hope, haha!)

October 6th, 2010
@alecio That is a really sweet idea, Alecio. I'll bet she will love that.
October 7th, 2010
To finish!! lol...no, really! :)
October 7th, 2010
This is a great thread...thanks Carole for starting it.

I first learned of it from a Facebook friend who only posted on Facebook. I googled the "rules" for friends who were interested after I started my project and came across the 365 site.

My goal: taking up the challenge of a photo a day. I liked the idea of being able to chronicle a year of my life in photos. I'm a scrapbooker and am always looking for unique photos to tell my life story and the stories of my friends and family members.

One of the best things is that 365 provides a means to take photos of the routine stuff and those weird things that just catch your eye...stuff I miss when I'm taking snapshots of friends/family.

365ers are a great source of inspiration and support. I'm positive that I'm becoming a better photographer as a result...and I'm definitely feeling more confident about my photography.
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