Help me teach by inspiring their imaginations! A small request from a new teacher.

October 3rd, 2010
I am a first year teacher and at my school we build learning ladders, packets of activities and assignments that we teach concepts from each day, instead of teaching from textbooks. The whole sixth grade uses the same ladders so when we write one we are writing it for 5 other teachers. Being the newest one and hoping to get a permanent contract position there next year, I want to bring a little something extra to the table. One of our activities that we commonly do is and Analyze the Picture activity where there is a picture and the students are asked to decide what the setting of the picture is, what is happening in the picture, and what they think might happen next. I mainly search google images for hours on end because I am really picky as to the pictures I want to share with my students Being on 365 has made me want more from the picture than just a boring cartoon or photo, I want it to lend itself to telling a story. I want it to spark some imagination. I thought maybe since I have access to so many wonderful creative folks on 365 that I might be able to use some of your photos as a resource. Please, if you have a photo that you think might help our 6th graders explore the literary concepts of setting and/or foreshadowing and you don't mind me using it for that purpose only, post it here along with a little blurb on what really was going on in the shot. Pictures that show people doing something or implies some sort of action or conflict are great. I don't want them to be too abstract because we are still working on getting to know these literary devices but if more than one story could be told or inferred with your photo that would be great. If I use yours, I'll post a couple of my students guesses as to what was going on in your picture for your amusement. They come up with so many great stories when they are really inspired. These pictures will only be used on the handouts/worksheets we give the kids. We don't make money off of these ladders or use them for any other purpose than educating our students. Thank you for your help! Miss Hall.
October 3rd, 2010
You can use this if you want
October 3rd, 2010
@griff Thanks!
October 3rd, 2010
You can use any of my photos--I would be honored to help out in any way!!
October 3rd, 2010
My Peter Pan series might be good for setting and foreshadowing in a pure literary sense(?) Not sure if that's what you're after. Here's the first.

October 3rd, 2010
Feel free to use mine.
October 3rd, 2010
@tolpol thanks! If you can think of one in particular that might be good, please post the link or the pic here. That would be a great help as I am writing the lessons today and this week.
October 3rd, 2010
@clarissajohal If you can think of one in particular that might be good, please post the link or the pic here. That would be a great help as I am writing the lessons today and this week.
October 3rd, 2010

October 3rd, 2010
@clarissajohal These are beautiful! Thanks!
October 3rd, 2010
Good luck--I hope you get some you can use!! It sounds like a fabulous lesson plan--good for those visual learners.
October 3rd, 2010
You can use any of mine if it helps, just let me know which ones as I'd be interested to know how they can help :)
October 3rd, 2010
@sassyinthecity Sorry I thought you wanted specific pics, by all means use any of mine
October 3rd, 2010
Hard to figure out what the kids would like, but what about this one?

It says: "Dear guest, you are very welcome in Christiania (it is a free city within Copenhagen). Just remember: No hard drugs, no weapons, no violence or threats - that's easy!"

or this one:

That is me, finally making it home (through all the ash clouds) after 3 months in Vietnam.
October 3rd, 2010
@griff I do want specific pics! Yours gave me an idea of a fun little game to play at the end of the day to make them use their skills an reinforce the concepts. I am going to put the more abstract pics I get on the smartboard and see who can guess what it is ro what is going on when I give them a sentence about the photo.
October 3rd, 2010
@lily I like it! Thanks!
October 3rd, 2010
Glad you like it Sara!
Maybe this could make a great story - it is me walking through a ricefield in Vietnam in order to get closer to a buffalo I wanted to take a photo of, in the process I got stuck in the mud and lost my flip-flop... and I just knew that field was filled with snakes and stuff - good fun :)

October 3rd, 2010
if mine could help in any way, i will gladly allow it! here are some action shots:

This is my daughter jumping up and landing on the sofa (the only time I have ever allowed it!)

this is my daughter again, crouching down and shooting straight up

October 3rd, 2010
oh, i accidentally hit enter. wasn't finished.
this the swirl created when stirring the milk in my coffee:
October 3rd, 2010
don't know if these are too simple, but feel free if they are usable. :) i love fun teachers.
October 3rd, 2010
Not sure what you're looking for....been out of school too many years ! Use it...and any others you see of mine !
October 3rd, 2010
Again, not sure of the tone you're after, but how're these?

Feel free to dip into any others of mine, too.
October 3rd, 2010
Oh Sara, I forgot one of my favorite pictures for mystery:
October 3rd, 2010
You can use any of my pictures if you find anything you like. I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for, but here's a few random suggestions:

If you do decide to use any of mine, please do let me know what the kids say, I would love that. And if you want any stories, let me know.
October 3rd, 2010
How old is 6th grade?

But feel free to use from my "You know that bit in 'Toy Story' where the toys come to life when you leave the room?" series. the idea being that I'm setting traps to catch them at it ...:

October 3rd, 2010
What a fun idea! This is my cousins dog who loves water - he jumps in and out of the pool for hours at a time. Not sure if the action here is too obvious for the kids, but feel free to use it if you'd like! :)

October 3rd, 2010
Hi Sara,

You are welcome to any of mine. Here are a few that might work:

October 3rd, 2010
Oh, if you like those let me know and I'll post a blurb for you.
October 3rd, 2010
feel free to use anything.... not sure if any of mine are quite what you want....... but use away!
October 3rd, 2010
Feel free to use any of mine! I have quite a few Alice in Wonderland type ones :) If you want me to send you one without a watermark then comment the pic with your email address and let me know! :) x
October 4th, 2010
Feel free to use any of mine Sara on my project. Here is an example of mine that may be helpful:

October 4th, 2010
Sounds like a great project, Sara! Here are four possible images from my project ...

October 4th, 2010

Teacher nd children worked together to create this wall of flower "boots" holders
October 4th, 2010

It's ok to get your hands and face dirty when helping out in the garden
October 4th, 2010

Face paint is always fun!! :)
October 4th, 2010
This is really neat. I have always wanted to be a teacher.

Our grandparents just bought a new farm and we all went up there to work and tell old stories.
October 5th, 2010
I bet they dont know what Oscar was doing here ... if nothing else it should make them smile :

Oscar sneezed as I snapped ...
October 5th, 2010
Feel free to use this...any guess could mean anything

October 5th, 2010
do you recognize the Eiffel tower, probably the best known Parisian monument, a little bit of geography to teach?

October 6th, 2010

feel free to use them! :D
October 6th, 2010
u can use this ...
October 6th, 2010
I think I'll have a couple for you. In this photo, at an Easter egg hunt, my grandson wanted to hug the Easter bunny. I told him he needed to ask and when he did, the Easter bunny got down on her knees and hugged him.
October 6th, 2010
My grandson listening to his Papa whispering to him.

October 6th, 2010
Here's one more for the cause. It's a group of people on the beach. I'm sure there were a few sunburns in this group!

October 6th, 2010

October 7th, 2010
If there are any of my photos you would like to use, please feel free! I would love to hear what the kids have to say! =D
October 7th, 2010
What a wonderful way to educate! I think my photo from yesterday might serve the purpose:

Here is another suitable one:

A little spooky, but definitely lends itself to a story:

I hope this helps, Sara! If you like anything else in my claendar, feel free to use it! ;-)
October 7th, 2010
You can use this one.
a href="">

He was trying to tell him to try another toy so he could play on it. Very funny.
October 8th, 2010
Looked through my gallery for a photo of something happening, this is the best I've got, I think...

From a horse auction; a yearling wasn't sure what to think of it all.

Feel free to look through my "regular" gallery too - if you end up using anything I'd love to hear about it :) Here are a few that could possibly be interesting:
Photo - This one could be fun I think LOL
Photo - My dog Dunder is full of action lol
If you want to use a version without a watermark, let me know and it can be arranged.
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