The Ugly Side of Busyness

October 4th, 2010
I have alot going on in my life right now, between my full time job, my freelancing, my new business that is about to launch (which kept me up till about 3am for 7 nights in a row), my 1 year old, my wife and my 365. Those are my day to days.

Throw in friends, family and trying to fit a hobby in here and there (when can a father find time to play an hour of Heavy Rain?), and you have what ends up being a nearly impossible to balance life.

So what gets the short end of the stick?
Well, hobbies.
What are the hobbies listed in the above?
Video games and 365.

I at least refused to cut out trying to keep up somewhat and manage my personal photos. I may get a few days behind here and there, but I'm keeping it alive :)

However, I have had to cut out the amount of interaction I used to have on the site.
And that sucks.
I havent been able to visit those I follow and comment on their wonderful images.
I havent been able to spend time discovering new photographers.
I havent been able to even really respond back to the few comments I'm getting on my photos now (which is dwindling obviously because of the synergistic nature of the site).

I loved getting on here every night the first couple of months and being able to comment on my friend's ever single new photo. I miss the community and miss using this site (Ross, be proud of such a great product).

Anyways, I'm sure some of you have been in this boat before, too. I hope this turns around soon so I can get back on the train - I just needed a sounding board. And you guys are awesome, so thanks for letting a exhausted man vent.
October 4th, 2010
I hear ya! 365 has been getting the short end from me as well...sometimes something just has to give. I know things will slow down for me once Oct is over. So till then it's like, 10 days of uploads at a time and haven't even looked at the theme for 2 weeks.
October 4th, 2010
My daughter is about to turn one, and I'm feeling much the same way. Hang in there.
October 4th, 2010
Don't stress yourself out or feel guilty for not being able to post every day or comment on others pictures. You are under no obligation what so ever to comment on my photos. This is a hobby and a source to gain enjoyment. Make it a happy experience and try not to drown it in unnecessary obligations. I enjoy looking at your pictures and that is enough for me.
October 4th, 2010
I hear you and am there with you and I know it is only going to get worse for me over the next few months. I don't look forward to it but at least I know that I am not alone in it.
October 4th, 2010
Glad to see your post. I have also fallen in that rut, and found myself getting stressed how far behind I was on posting photos as well as commenting. I finally decided that it may not be 365 photos for me, but to post whenever I can as often as I can. For me, I've decided this is my photographic diary, so to speak, to document what's going on in my life. It would be ideal to post every day, but I'll just have to take it day by day, posting and commenting as diligently as I can. Thanks for starting this discussion. I was feeling guilty for having "blank" days. :-)
October 4th, 2010
Aww, Jesse, too many feel the exact same way. But it is understandable... this site is addictive and takes up a lot of time that could be better spent elsewhere (there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done AND keep up with everyone here) so I hope everything calms down for you so you can get some balance and Jesse-time again :)
October 4th, 2010
It happens..... but the community is always here when there's a change in time availability.
October 4th, 2010
I hear you Jesse, I'm a father of 3 myself 2-11yrs, throw in being a shift worker earlies, lates, nights and the nano second of time I have I preserve my 365/photography hobby, stick with it as I'm sure the sense of achievement will be worth it as will looking back in years to come
October 4th, 2010
Jesse - I can totally understand being busy. I just recently started my own business as well, and 365 gets the back burner a lot of the time. Most times I upload 3 or 4 photos at a time because I get so behind. You have always been one of my favorite people to follow on here. I love how simple yet stunning most of your photos are, and if you get behind and have to upload a month's worth of photos at a time, then that is just a big treat for me. Sure, I miss seeing them when they're gone, but when uploaded all at once, it's like when tv airs a marathon of your favorite show. SCORE! I wish you the best of luck with creating more time in your days and with My Pet Registry as well!
All the best!
October 4th, 2010
i couldnt of said it better myself , it sounds like i wrote what u said . Ur a good man to put family first , dont regret it .
October 4th, 2010
Same here, the hobby set aside when duty calls for priorities. I'm pretty new here and am trying to keep up with the rule I set to myself:: a photo a day. It's just not possible though, otherwise I'll end up clicking here and there for the sake of posting without taking consideration the key word "learn".

The community is great, everyone is supportive. Continue at your own pace and time. All the best!
October 4th, 2010
Family first always! Post and comment when YOU can- nobody here will think less of a person who is spending time with their family! Hope things settle soon, so you can participate the way you want to!
October 4th, 2010
Understood completely. Like it says in my info, sometimes you have to be a part of what's going on rather than trying to capture it from behind a lens. I knew from the beginning I would never be able to keep up every day, but I try, and even if I only succeed only 4-5 times a week, that's okay. I think everyone feels the presssure now and again, so no one's gonna hold it against you ;-)
October 4th, 2010
I'm glad you've got your priorities right! I'm sure all of us 365ers can agree with you on trying to prioritize our time. My 365 activity has also dwindled, but so have all the other time consuming activities. I thought life would get a little less crazy with only have my 3 yr old at home during the day, but it's been just the opposite. He loves spending time with me and not having to share and I love it, too! :) Remember what's most important to you and see you around on here, Jesse!
October 4th, 2010
Life is full of ebbs and flows. Some days something will get priority and then be moved to the end of the list on others. It's a fact of life. Good luck to you on your new business and having a family is a full-time commitment that for the moment. This should be your priority no matter what.
October 4th, 2010
Jesse, I am at the other end of the tunnel, my son is raised, i work to work which i enjoy but at the end of my morgages etc, so i have time for this and my other hobbies, but the reason im saying this is, i would not have had the time then and family comes first, 365 or similer will alway be there but the first step, first of everything will not, and for a buisness to succeed you have to put in the hours, I love your photos and like above i will be happy if you post a bunch at a time. Good luck with all you do, and every 2nd day will do us LOL
October 5th, 2010
We all feel your pain...
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