Friday Night Losers Club

October 16th, 2010
So it is friday night and I cannot think of anything interesting to do... i do not have the energy to clean nor take some photos... I have been on the forum and a few others... no one seems to be online... I have 8 weeks until my first kid and I have nothing better to do with my spare time... even playing a video game does not sound fun... anyone else... online... anything interesting happening in the world?
October 16th, 2010
It's a bit like that here at the moment. It's 4pm and I have nothing to do. The kiddies are watching a movie, I've snuck outside to get some photos and I've done the food shopping. Now I'm just trying to find something to do, it's insanely windy so I can't take the kids outside to play.
October 16th, 2010
lol @ "Friday Night Losers Club."
Yeah I have to wake up early tomorrow and for the life of me I can't sleep.
October 16th, 2010
@itszaiii warm milk often works... or decide to pair up all your socks...

I find mornings always come too early! Most nights I have something to do that keeps me up til 1 or 2 and I like to get up by 6... and I do have better things to do tonight... but with the misses out of the house and having had a very productive day... I just need veg time... what is your excuse?
October 16th, 2010
@amz87 4pm... you must be on the other side of the pond....that is about 6 hours different... Pacific Island of some sort?
October 16th, 2010
Australia :-)
And for Spring, it's really cold today lol
October 16th, 2010
@amz87 Ah Oz... I have friends coaching cheer-leading down under right now... well hope you get a better summer than we had... rain rain and more rain! It has been a warmer, nicer, drier fall in Oct than most of the summer!
October 16th, 2010
I would like a decent Summer. I love Winter but this one has been the longest ever! Although December will come and I'll be wishing it was cold again!
October 16th, 2010
@amz87 ha I love this planet... i am hoping it does not get down to - 40 c in dec and you will be at + (some large hot number!)
October 16th, 2010
lol I'll be forming a Saturday night losers' club shortly :P
October 16th, 2010
Nothing interesting here in TX at 2:02 a.m. Not even a good dream. blink. blink.
October 16th, 2010
@pinktornado39 you have a style... every photo is pink! love it! our pro football team wanted to wear some pink like some of the guys in the NFL are doing for Oct... but in the CFL it is a fine... so the local radio station will pay the fines for wearing pink on Sunday

@pocketmouse Sat night... oh my... I think that is a whole new level!
October 16th, 2010
A fine?? Oh dear, I have the giggles! Real men don't wear no sissy pink- pay up!

Thank you for your kind words.

My husband & I spent spent 6 months - winter months - in Calgary. Left just before the stampede.
October 16th, 2010
What an awesome radio station to to that!

Hope all is well with your wife & baby. What an exciting & frightening time - filled with joy & anticipation.
October 16th, 2010
@pocketmouse Hahaha, I'm with you on that one -_-
October 16th, 2010
I ended up baking banana muffins. :D
October 16th, 2010
This is what I got up to this morning! Wow! The Friday Night Losers Club! This is hilarious... I wish I would have seen this last night. I would have posted for sure. I was so lame I went to bed early.
October 16th, 2010
Ugh, I work till 9 p.m. every Friday. Then I come home, eat something for dinner, and then basically pass out on the couch trying to watch TV. Long time member of the Friday Night Losers Club. Trying to stay awake is my main activity!
October 16th, 2010
Gee, wish I'd known this exchange was going on last night. I confess, I'm generally a Friday night loser...
Jordan, enjoy having nothing to do in the middle of the night for the next eight weeks. Your world is about to change! :)
October 16th, 2010
I belong to a number of forums, with people from all over the world ! I'm amazed that it's dead on weekends on these forums ! Does every body go out on weekends ? Maybe I should start going out more...........nah !!
October 16th, 2010
I.. fell asleep right after my comment. lol.
October 16th, 2010
@icywarm Get used to it . . . this will be your life once the littleyou arrives. My first kid is almost one, and I was so exhausted I went to bed at 10:30 after wandering the Internet aimlessly for a while. At least we can all be Friday Night Losers together.
October 16th, 2010
I really wish I saw this last night...I am a Friday night loser!!! With two boys who think it is so uncool to hang with their mom on a Friday night even behing closed blinds:) Maybe I'll catch y'all next Friday or maybe tonight.
October 16th, 2010
I was not a friday night loser last night but I usually am! I'm bringin it to the next level and just renaming it the weekend loser club.
October 16th, 2010
Wooo, Saturday night and I'm sat on my beanbag, surrounded by blankets and divets, watching comedy on iplayer :') I am way too cool :P it's actually quarter to 11 and I've just finished my art xD
October 17th, 2010
@icywarm - love it, pairing up socks ... btw it's sunday and i'm only getting here now as Friday and Sat nights I had to be out. here now boning up on CS3 through a Microstar workbook! Beware all yo creative souls, I'm getting edu-ma-cated.
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