Good evening everyone,
From time to time I encounter a problem loading a photo. I load it and it appears in my calendar but when I click the calendar thumbnail to open that pic, all that appears is a very narrow band at the top edge of the pic. Sometimes I can re-load it again and again and get it to work eventually. Times in between the problem photos, I can load several pics in a row with no problems. I've loaded thousands of photos here at 365 over the years and have only started to encounter this problem about a month ago. I can't figure out what's different about the problem photos. Some are with my camera, some with my phone. None of them are treated to any special editing. Just wondering if anyone knows how I can avoid this problem.
I don't so much have trouble uploading, tho something it is slow, but the site in general is really slow loading one page to the next
maybe email or tag Ross?
Thanks everyone. One of the pics that I loaded that didn't completely work is posted for public viewing on Jan 7th/2025. I can see the thumbnail on my monthly calendar and I can see the title, description, etc but I can't see the pic.
I tried to load 8'ish photos today, half worked [posted for private viewing] and half didn't so I deleted all but the one I just mentioned for Jan 7th.
Interestingly, two photos that I took back to back of stocking stuffers for our two granddaughters --- one worked and one didn't. Shooting on automatic, same location, seconds between shots, etc.
One of the pics I successfully loaded today, didn't work yesterday.
All of the photos that didn't work today were phone photos. [But still, some of the pics that did work were phone pics.] I'll pay more attention to that parameter. Maybe the photo Gods are telling me to put my phone
Anyway, I love this web site and will continue to try to figure out what the difference is between shots. I appears I'm the only one with the problem. I emailed Ross last month but I know he's a busy person, and with it being only me with the problem, I don't expect him to sort it out. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment everyone. Much appreciated.
Hi @sunnygreenwood - it sounds like your web browser failed to download the image the first time and has it stored incorrectly, if you look in to how to clear your browsers cache, that may resolve the issue.
maybe email or tag Ross?
I tried to load 8'ish photos today, half worked [posted for private viewing] and half didn't so I deleted all but the one I just mentioned for Jan 7th.
Interestingly, two photos that I took back to back of stocking stuffers for our two granddaughters --- one worked and one didn't. Shooting on automatic, same location, seconds between shots, etc.
One of the pics I successfully loaded today, didn't work yesterday.
All of the photos that didn't work today were phone photos. [But still, some of the pics that did work were phone pics.] I'll pay more attention to that parameter. Maybe the photo Gods are telling me to put my phone
Anyway, I love this web site and will continue to try to figure out what the difference is between shots. I appears I'm the only one with the problem. I emailed Ross last month but I know he's a busy person, and with it being only me with the problem, I don't expect him to sort it out. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment everyone. Much appreciated.