I am hoping that a kind 365’er could do me a very great favour, I would very much like a photograph of a grave in Nashdom Abbey, Slough SL1 8NJ but am unable myself to travel there at this moment. The grave is of the Benedictine Abbot Dom Augustine Morris, he was my spiritual director and Oblate Master when I became an Oblate of Elmore Abbey to where the monks relocated when Nashdom became to large for them. I have very happy memories of Dom Augustine, a gentle, loving soul who remains a very important figure in Anglican monasticism.
It would be wonderful if anyone in the area of Slough could spare the time to locate Dom Augustine’s grave and photograph it and upload it to this thread, I would be chuffed to bits! Thanks in advance.
There was someone who posted three photos tagged "Slough", but they haven't posted since early 2024.
|| You could search via other places near Slough and see if there's anyone you could reach out to :-)
Much like other respondants, I would love to photograph it for you if I could, but I'm from Canada, sorry! I do have a suggestion for another avenue you could try though, if that's ok!
Are you familiar with a website called Find-A-Grave? If so, feel free to disregard, but in case it might be of assistance for you-- I looked up Dom Augustine on that website, and he is listed there as being in the Nashdom Abbey Cemetery. Unfortunately there is no photo of his gravesite posted so far, but members of the site can request a photo with a click of a button and then any other member who is from that area or is photographing in that area can see that someone has made a request for a photo of that specific grave. If you're interested, membership for that site is free-- I thought I had one (a long time ago!) but I don't seem to be able to log-in to be able to request it. If you'd like to see a couple photos of Dom Augustine and a short write-up that are already there, here is the link to his page: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/159255971/augustine-morris
Good luck, I hope you're able to get a photo one way or another!
|| You could search via other places near Slough and see if there's anyone you could reach out to :-)
Are you familiar with a website called Find-A-Grave? If so, feel free to disregard, but in case it might be of assistance for you-- I looked up Dom Augustine on that website, and he is listed there as being in the Nashdom Abbey Cemetery. Unfortunately there is no photo of his gravesite posted so far, but members of the site can request a photo with a click of a button and then any other member who is from that area or is photographing in that area can see that someone has made a request for a photo of that specific grave. If you're interested, membership for that site is free-- I thought I had one (a long time ago!) but I don't seem to be able to log-in to be able to request it. If you'd like to see a couple photos of Dom Augustine and a short write-up that are already there, here is the link to his page:
Good luck, I hope you're able to get a photo one way or another!
I tried to locate a list of those there, but failed.
@countrylassie @wakelys @anniesue @olivetreeann @princessicajessica @casablanca @photohoot