With respect, a suggestion, please!

September 25th, 2010
My photo being chosen for one of the 5 finalists is very exciting, as it's a first for me.

I don't know why mine was one that was chosen, or why, as others have suggested, Laura's ( brilliant photos! ) or any one else's, weren't.
Art...and humour, is subjective.

But, whichever photo wins, or, whichever photos are shortlisted in the future...might I respectfully make a suggestion?

Would people please refrain - in the voting thread, at least - from making negative comments regarding the shortlisted choices?

Having my photo chosen was exciting.
People suggesting that it shouldn't be there, is hurtful.

Let's continue to support each other, in a positive manner, please!

Thanks for listening!
September 25th, 2010
I agree wholeheartedly, Barb. We should support one another and to always be kind.
September 25th, 2010
I agree 110% Barb - we're here to support one another. These themes are taken a little too seriously and sometimes claws come out. That thread made me feel like there were Kanyes popping in from every corner... for lack of a better comparison.

Congrats on making it to top 5, Taylo... err, Barb :)
September 25th, 2010
i know why it was chosen--because it was quite clever, funny, and a great shot. you are absolutely right; to suggest that ANY of those weren't deserving is rude and hurtful. while i did say that i was sad laura wasn't there also, i would never want to imply that anything should have been chosen in place of any of those entries at all. i said that i thought all the options were nice ones, and i very sincerely hope i did not add to your hurt. if i did, please forgive me. that was not my intent at all.
September 25th, 2010
Thanks, Mary and Annie!
Annie..I responded to you in that thread, as well. :-)

This is such a supportive community, that I was a little surprised.

I don't think people MEANT to be unsupportive so much, as wanting to be appreciative of others.
Still - as I always told my kids - everyone needs a reminder now and then, that sometimes well intentioned words can often hurt.
( ok, lecture over!!! ;-)

September 25th, 2010
Oh Brett...no, I didn't think your comments were unsupportive, at all!
I agree with you regarding Laura!
But, thankyou! :-)

There were a few people that came right out and said those photos shouldn't actually be there!
September 25th, 2010
I saw, Barb :) I hope it didn't get you down - you're just as much a part of the 365 family as anyone and you should be happy to be chosen; not feel sad because others may disagree.

September 25th, 2010
Thanks, Annie!

No, it didn't get me down.
Too excited for that. :-)

September 25th, 2010
:D Good!

So did you really crush his head? I mean, I understand suffering for your art... but that'd make him the sufferer, despite you being the artist :o
September 25th, 2010
All I'm saying is I used to watch Kids in the Hall, and I remember the "head crushing" and it was just hillarious. It's so hard to take two different forms of art, photography AND comedy and try to be objective about both of them in the same contest. Congrats Barb!
September 25th, 2010
Thank you so much, Debbie!

We watched every episode of Kids in the Hall ( in real time...that's how old we are!! ;-)
And the "I'm Crushing Your Head" skits were always our favourites.
I STILL walk around saying that!
I'd been meaning to do a head crushing shot for so long...and that particular opportunity just cropped up at the perfect time.

Annie...fortunately, Brad didn't mind suffering for my art!
September 25th, 2010
Congratulations on being chosen as a finalist, Barb!
I haven't seen the thread, but it upsets me that people would say negative things about your (or anyone's) photos.

Best of luck :)
September 25th, 2010
Thanks, Kirsty :-)
September 25th, 2010
All of the finalists had great shots, and I thought it was downright rude for those few people to say outright that this week's choices were poor. I'm sure we all have times where the five finalists aren't the ones we would have chosen and I'll admit to being pretty disappointed to not have a particular shot that I really thought was great end up there... but I would never dream of saying such a thing, especially in the voting thread. Images resonate differently with different people, and if you don't like the choices, you don't have to vote. But like the saying goes, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything!
September 25th, 2010
Thanks, Melissa :-)
September 25th, 2010
I agree whole heartedly Barb. People do need reminders from time to time, we should all realize how easy it is sometimes to come across in the wrong way, and once words come out,it's too late to take back. I think we just need reminders to be sensitive to the feelings of others, or perhaps they can just re-design the voting to check off the desired selection (1 - 5) no comments. Didn't you have problems once before with a similar situation?
September 25th, 2010

Hmmmm......I was trying to think of what you might be referring to Rick and I'm thinking perhaps it was the time, back sometime in the summer, where my picture was in the top 20 for the week.
If I can recall, a couple of people questioned how the pictures were chosen..or why one or two of them had been in the previous week's top 20, as well...before it was explained how it worked.

I think I just mentioned that I was excited, as that was also a first for me.

I'm going to have to go back and look.

My, what a good memory you have, Rick.
Not at all fuzzy, like my 50 year old brain. ;-)

September 25th, 2010
i agree with you, barb! this should all be in good fun, and i thought the choices were fabulous! definitely hard to pick 5, but i thought Ross did a great job. p.s.-I squish people's heads all the time..and animals (huge sketch comedy nerd!). :)
September 25th, 2010
I totally agree. Having been chosen is an honor (I have been lucky twice) I didn't win but i appreciate just being included. I can't imagine anyone being so hurtful as to attack the entrants. To quote David Strathairn in Bourne Ultimatum, "Come on, People!" It's just for fun. Ross gets to choose and we get to vote. And next week we get to do it all over again. Or not; It's your choice,
September 25th, 2010
I have no words for my feelings at this time ... but I wish everyone well. Peace, hugs, bises ...
September 25th, 2010
Only just seen this, so sorry if I'm covering old ground.

As one of the other finalists this week, I completely agree with Barb. I seriously thought of removing the 'humor' tag and dropping out of the top 5 as some of the comments weren't nice ...

but then, it's a free site that I enjoy - Why should I care that some people don't find my photo (or one of the others) a top 5 picture - it's not why I took it. I took the photo as it gave me something to think about, a break from my day to day life. If you don't like it, don't vote for it! If you think that someone else should have been in the top 5, then sorry that's out of mine and the other finalists hands.

And has anyone else noticed the irony of 'humor' (It has another 'U' in it Ross!) being the theme that has caused lots of anti-humour comments?!

Incidentally, if I win then I'm picking a theme that can be spelt differently in the UK to the rest of the world, and will force you all to use the British spelling ... Mwah-ha-ha!
September 25th, 2010
Had I known that humour would be so humourless, I would never have entered one photo in the theme. My apologies to all for being a part of this.
September 25th, 2010
And to the five finalists, I am truly happy that you are the finalists! I know you were sick of hearing my name mentioned (which I had nothing whatsoever to do with), but you can be happy knowing that your photos ARE better than mine and you are in the top five. Lol. That should be some consolation to you. Mine obviously are goofy and suck. You are all great photographers, much better than me, and I wish you well and am sorry your feelings were hurt by comments made. Remember, I have no feelings ... I'm just a goofy village idot or court fool. Hahaha ...
September 25th, 2010
Laura - Don't worry, it's not your fault or anyone's fault - as someone else said, humour (Note the 2nd u!) is subjective. Your photos are fantastic and highly enjoyable, don't stop doing them.
September 25th, 2010
Oh Laura...not only do your photos NOT suck...they really ARE tremendously funny.
But more, they always give me a little boost, too! ;-)
And none of this is your fault AT ALL!

I think people really DO mean to be supportive of you and other's photos that they like, rather than unsupportive of the ones that were chosen...but a couple of people's comments were down right rude.
The fact that people keep bringing up your name is probably unsettling for you, too.
I had a message to you in the voting thread, thanking you for being so gracious. :-)

Ed...gotta love that extra "u!" :-)
September 25th, 2010
I would never want to hurt anyones feelings and if anything that I said in the voting thread was misconstrued then I appologise wholeheartedly. I have edited my comment but it doesnt change my opinion that humour is selective/personal. All those 5 entries as many others on this theme were fab and because I love the spirit of 365 I felt that I just needed to clarify this.
September 25th, 2010
I think you're right about this. All the choices for the Top 5 are subjective, as is the voting. I didn't vote for your photo as I some of the others in the top 5 appealed to me more (I also didn't get the cultural reference that people have mentioned on here, which may have helped), but that doesn't make it a bad photo and I'm pleased you were chosen. :-) Am I'm really sorry that you and @edpartridge feel so badly about some of the comments that have been made. Try to ignore them all and be proud that your photos were picked.
September 25th, 2010
There are many really good shots and choosing five is always hard but those are the chosen ones. I'm surprised that anyone would come along and vote for a picture that isn't part of the pack but people do what they do. So, I wouldn't pay much attention to anything there. Just keep in mind that your picture submitted is thrown in as a selection because someone gets your humor. You've been chosen --- Congratulations.

FWIW, I am happy to see some different names thrown in. Not because others are not good or even better than yours but I think other people should get an opportunity to be seen as well. That includes you. I've always felt it was one-sided. We have some really talented people who go out of their way to to post excellent pictures and get noticed. I love to see their work. Although, it's discouraging when I only see the top photographers all the time. I'd like to see more of a mix of work. Just my opinion.
September 25th, 2010
thank you, Barb & Ed.
September 25th, 2010
@pinktornado39; I think it's really sweet to know so many people love and follow your work. You are really talented. I looked at the comments and didn't really see anything out of context that hasn't been said on other voting threads. Maybe this was more personal to people, I don't know. The fact is you have been given a special nod from the 365 community and that speaks volumes.

It's hard to put ourselves into our pictures (pun intended ;-)) but that is what makes our pictures really stand out. However when we do that we risk getting hurt or frustrated when others don't see the same thing we see. It's a fact of life. That is what makes you a photographer Laura. You put yourself, heart and soul, into your pictures. And that is what elevates your work above others.

I hope you know there was no attempt to put down your work but quite the contrary, to praise it from your 365 buddies. :-)
September 25th, 2010
Congratulations for being one of the top 5, Barb. I agree with you and the rest and it was a good idea that you'd initiated this discussion as a reminder to everyone. Art is subjective, needless to expound on that.

I like Laura's humour shots too and was actually surprised that one of hers was not chosen. But hey, we see things differently. No need to bang our heads on the wall and get so serious about it. 365 is supposed to be fun.

Congratulations, your picture deserves to be there!
September 25th, 2010
Thanks, Vanya..that means a lot.
Of course humour is subjective...and I have no problem with that.
And in fact I personally would not have chosen my shot, as there were other photos tickled my funnybone, too.
There were two comments that I found rude.....and yours wasn't either.

One person actually said that none of them should be there, and another person wholeheartedly agreed. That, more than anything is what annoyed me.

The comments in support of Laura's photos, didn't bother me at all.....though out of respect for the top 5, perhaps they could have been in another thread....but I think that was an oversight, more than anything....and as I said, they were meant to be in support of Laura rather than unsupportive of the others.
Sadly though, as Laura's said herself, the whole situation just made her very uncomfortable.

September 25th, 2010
Thanks, Rachael!
I appreciate your honesty.
I totally have no problem NOT being voted for.....and of course it wouldn't be funny to you if you don't get the cultural reference, as you say!
( a 20 yr old skit from a long defunct TV show by a Canadian comedy troupe )

September 25th, 2010
Dorrena..thanks for your comments, and also for your note to Laura!
I really appreciate your thoughts!
September 25th, 2010
Thankyou to everyone for their support!
Mary, Annie, Brett, Debbie, Kirsty, Melissa, Rick, Lacey, Allison, Ed and Laura of course, Vanya, Rachael, Dorrena, and Bugik!
I love the discussion!

It wasn't my intention to sound overly sensitive so much as just to suggest that people be a little more cognizant of their comments, and their possible effect on the people involved...at least in the voting thread.

A thread devoted to Laura would be entirely appropriate, in my humble opinion....though I bet it would still have made her a tad uncomfortable!
September 25th, 2010
congratulations on being a finalist barb! :)
September 25th, 2010
Thanks so much, taleweaver!! :-)
September 25th, 2010
OMG... I've been so out of the loop, not looking in as I should.. Barb, I shall message you in a more private way to epress the words I am thinking, BUT you rock and you know it !! I
September 25th, 2010
Well i missed all this as im newish & only just entered the theme this week,Maybe wish i hadnt if thats what happens!
As soon as i saw your pic I was "crushing your head" all over again I think many people who didnt see Kids in the hall didnt get it.
Great shot & well done.Ive only ever saw positive vibes on here so im a bit disheartened that there can be bitchiness but i guess there is this in all forms of life.

Ok i just read the the voting & omg thats terrible Im surprised at the people so sad x
September 25th, 2010
i don't always agree with the finalists but i have made it a game by picking out my faves and seeing which one/s make it. people will always disagree. ultimately i think as long as you are happy with your photos then it's a winner. :)
that photo of yours made me laugh and i love your other photos as well. hope this doesn't discourage you :)
September 25th, 2010
Barbara, congrats for making it to the top 5. I think the fact that your photo was chosen makes it worthy! I am glad you started this thread and agree wholeheartedly with your words.
September 25th, 2010
I think it is nice when someone who hasn't been chosen before makes the final five.
September 26th, 2010
I so agree! I was shocked at some of the comments! Art, in any form is subjective, if ten different people were to choose a top five, we would have ten different top fives.
Congrats your photo was chosen!

September 26th, 2010
Barb, I am very glad you started this discussion, it is an important reminder. I would like to start by saying congratulations! I know how exciting it is to see your photo in the final 5 ( I was showing/telling just about anyone who would listen, haha). As I was scrolling through I was truly taken back by some of the comments and could not believe that people chose to post them, and in the voting thread of all places. I agree with Melissa Pike, if you don't have anything nice to say...
Please just know that you are an inspiring woman, and just because a few people don't agree with the final 5 chosen does not they shouldn't be there. It takes a certain amount of courage to post your work for the world to see, and you all deserve proper kudos for taking great photos!
September 26th, 2010
I have to agree. I was a little shocked to read some people's comments. I think some people are treating this site as a competition and that's not its purpose, although I suppose to some, it is. The themes are supposed to be starting points, to get us to think outside our normal boxes, not to turn the site into a competition/rant fest.

Not everyone is going to be thrilled with the selections each week, but it doesn't mean that you should put down others work. If you don't have anything nice to say...isn't just an idea for kindergarteners.
September 26th, 2010
i wish we could all get along like we used to.
i wish i could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smileys and we could all eat it and be happy
September 26th, 2010
she doesnt even go here!
September 26th, 2010
Natalie, I don't get it. :-)
Are you talking about me, or Rosie ( your sister? )
Inside joke?
September 26th, 2010

Thanks, Vicky! Backatcha!
September 26th, 2010

Thanks, Nic! XO
September 26th, 2010

Carol, I really appreciate your kind words and your personal note! :-)
September 26th, 2010
Taleweaver, I just appreciate so much not only your note here, but all of the support and awesome comments you've been leaving me for the last few weeks!
September 26th, 2010
Jennifer...I really appreciate your supportive note!
Really, thankyou for taking the time to comment!
September 26th, 2010
Susan, I love it when we see new artists featured, as it means I get to discover new people to follow that I might not otherwise have seen...so I agree with you.

And I love seeing so many of our more - I hate to say "popular" - artists' work as well.
I just love seeing them all.
And celebrating everyone's achievements.

Yep...I'm that mom who always thought everyone should get a ribbon for participating, too!
Or that everyone in elementary school should be on the basketball team, if they sign up. No one should have to sit on the bench!
September 26th, 2010
Rae...thanks so much for your comment, and support! :-)
September 26th, 2010
We don't have to love all of the selections.
And, I certainly wouldn't want anyone to vote for me out of sympathy ( though I AM grateful for the votes for my pic! ).

Like you, I just want everyone to celebrate the selections...and vote.. or NOT vote...whatever makes one the most comfortable.

September 26th, 2010
Thank you everyone for the support of this thread...and also for the support of my work..though I am embarrassed as that's not what I was after...commentary about my photos on their own, I mean...but I do really really appreciate your sentiments, and everyone who has taken the time to reply.

And I just have to say again, poor Laura...she is mortified!
I think, in trying to be supportive to someone whose photos they feel passionately about, people just tend to forget how those supportive comments might sounds to others....and also, puts the one person who is singled out, in an uncomfortable position.

Though, I think I'm preaching to the choir here. ;-)
Thanks again, everyone!
September 26th, 2010
@1blond Yep, I was that mom too, the one who thought everyone should win, or be able to participate or whatever.
September 27th, 2010
I hear you, Susan!

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and comments.

Laura and I both feel perhaps that it's time to shut this thread down, if you don't mind.
It wasn't my intention to create bad feelings for other people but that's exactly what has happened, too.

And Laura just feels so bad, period....( even though we all agree she is NOT at fault, at all! ), and every comment perpetuates her discomfort.

I love this site. I love this community.
I love the support that most people go out of their way to express!

Thanks, everyone!
September 27th, 2010
I just went back and had a look at the theme thread after reading your comments. What you say has a point but reading back i don't think anyone was rude about anyones elses photos

Those who commented only said THEY felt others were maybe a better choice for a winner. All art is subjective - why should their views not be as valid as the site mods.

It shouldn't take away from the fact you got chosen.

Sorry but i don't agree at all with the theme of this thread.

But then again what do i know. ;o)
September 27th, 2010
I think some of the comments were edited or deleted by the posters, but frankly it's so last week daaahling ...

Onto 'still life' ...
September 28th, 2010
I think the overwhelming consensus is that negativity is unwelcome on the 365, and rightly so, we are after all amateurs, hobbyist or enthausiasts so the top5 like the popular page is a little bit of recognition by our own peers at what THEY see to be a top capture, congrats Barb
September 28th, 2010
You Go Glen Coco!.. or in this case Barb :p

Hate Negativity, people just need to be happy and eat some delicious cake or Something :)
September 28th, 2010
No worries Barb. I think the majority of 365 is with you :) I've got your back though, thats for sure. You are totally and COMPLETELY correct!!!! ♥
September 29th, 2010
If I may quote from the "Numbers 1-10 Challenge" from April, after there were comments on "contrived" photos:

"" Alex Morales says:
It was an extremely hard decision to choose the finalists. There were two people here helping me make the choices, so it wasn't done lightly. It just so happens that 8 & 9 were artistically put together well as well as technically. I liked the lines that #8 had, and I liked the whimsical nature of #9. True, they were contrived images, but then again there were many that just had a number of objects shot on a table. I liked #3 pegs because of it's shading and composition. I probably could have made different choices, but it was the agreement and consensus of the people here making the choices for finalists that determined which ones made it. ""

I'm not always sure how Ross makes the final decision, but there are the factors that Alex mentioned that helps in the decision for sure. I for one am a left-brain person and would like to see more SOOC shots, but that is not to be, so I have to play by the rules of the playground.

Congrats Barb.
October 1st, 2010
I'm in awe of anyone who is a finalist. I'm lucky if I ever get on the popular page these days as there are so many talented photographers out there!

Congratulations for making the short list Barb and ignore any negative comments. You've done exceptionally well to make it that far.
October 26th, 2010
@1blond I'm with you and hope that people take this on board. Brilliant to you that you made the short list... I'm new here but it is clear that the competition is very strong.
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