+++New Macro Challenge - SCREW+++

January 11th, 2022
Thank you for voting for my photo of the dew drop fairy light macro.  Congratulations should also go to the other finalists and thank you to Brian @sonyguy for hosting the last challenge.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, as this list doesn't seem to be complete but the past subjects of the macro challenge included these: Animalbits, arcs/circles, brushes, bubbles, bugs, buttons, candy, car, Christmas decorations, Christmas table settings, coins, color, crafts, cupboard, cups, cutlery, decay, drinking straws, Easter, eye, feather, flowers (2x), food, food packaging, fibre, fruit, game pieces, gears, glass, guess, hands, herbs/spices, in-nature, inside-cupboard, jewelry, key, kitchen universe, knobs, leaf, locks, metal, money, motion, motion, mundane, music (2x), nuts, open, personal bathroom, plumbing, rust, seeds, shells, shoes, stationary, Star Wars, stone, St. Patrick’s Day, technology, textures, time, tools, toys, translucent, water drops, weeds and wood, crystals, Christmas bokeh.

If you know something is missing from this list, please let me know and I will correct it for future hosts' consideration.

On this go-round, I have chosen SCREW or SCREWS as the subject.  Macro your screw or screws as artistic as you can but don't be screwing around too much. 🤣

The challenge starts from Saturday, January 8, 2022 and will end at midnight (New York/Toronto time) on Saturday, January 29, 2022.  (I will consider submissions if your time zone is behind me.)

Tag your entries macro-screw

Start snapping, boys and girls.
January 12th, 2022
lol this is turning into another mundane object challenge . I will try to find some interesting screws
January 12th, 2022
I'll send him out to his garage to find me one!!
January 12th, 2022
Graham found a few screws for us Vikki. I decided one was enough 🤣
January 15th, 2022
Not very inspired but il may give it another go later
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