5+2 for the love of selfies - memento mori

November 24th, 2024
We're all going to die!!! Not to be histerical about it. The Bhutanese make a point of thinking about death at least 5 times a day, so as to really appreciate living in the moment. We will be making self portrait memento mori images, a symbolic or artistic trope that serves as a reminder of the inevitability of death and the fleeting nature of earthly pleasures or in the case of the puritans living on the straight and narrow so as to be accepted into heaven!
Common symbols in memento-mori art include: Skulls , Hourglasses or clocks,
Extinguished or guttering candles , Fruit and Flowers which will soon decay.

Please do join in, and tag your efforts fiveplustwo-mementomori

Thanks to those who took to the wild west, spaghetti style


@wxndy honky tonking

@spanishliz staring down the barrel

@sewfree a rear view
November 24th, 2024
@ajisaac @30pics4jackiesdiamond @abhijit @adi314 @aecasey @aikiuser @ajisaac @allie912 @allsop @alophoto @amrita21 @annied @anotherhouseblog @antonios @aprilmilani @bankmann @barrowlane @bella_ss @beverley365 @bgschelble @blueace @blueberry1222 @bmask @bobfoto @bookthiefsfriend @boxplayer @brigette @byrdlip @busylady @caddick @carla42 @carolinesdreams @carys @casablanca @catangus @catcarter19 @caterina @catwhiskers @cdcook48 @cindyc @cgarner @chelleo @christinabengephotography @christophercox @claycameras @clearday @ciklope @cocobella @cutekitty @daphne1212 @darylo @davidrobinson @dawrenda @dei365 @denidouble @dh @dide @dougapic @domenicododaro @dreary @dustyloup @dwindleriver @edie @epcello @ethelperry @etienne @fauxtography365 @fbailey @fearinnocent @flashster78 @flyrobin @franzhuempfner @frappa77 @francoise @frida @gavincci @gazmadhat @gerry13 @gigiz @ginaanderson @ginamees @graemestevens @granagringa @griff @grizzlysghost @gq @guttersnieprebecca @habit @hjbenson @helenhall @helstor365 @houser934 @ikamera @ingrid01 @inthecloud5 @iris52 @jacqbb @jack4john @jackie8 @jackies365 @jamiemathiau @jantan @janaarutunova @jeetee @juergenunterwegs @jo38 @jo63 @joansmor @jocasta @johnfalconer @johnmaguire @judithdeacon @juliedduncan @jyokota @kali66 @kartia @kathyboyles @kametty @kazlamont @kerosene @kiwinanna @kjarn @kriskashtanova @kt8ird @kuva @lasousa @lesip @lifepause @lifeisfullofpictures @lilaclisa @lillula @lindasees @louannwarren @luvmynynix @mace508 @maggie2 @maggiemae @mamabec @mara19500 @mariannamgrimaud @marie65 @markp @mastermek @mathilde22cat @matthank68 @mcrt @mcsiegle @monachorome @megstorey09 @mikegifford @milestonevisualmedia @monikozi @moonshinegoober @mozette @morrij10 @motherxmind @moviegal1 @mrspedwards @mzzhope @nanderson @netkonnexion @northy @not_left_handed @overalvandaan @paintdipper @pamgleason @pamknowler @pdulis @pea @peekysweets @peterdegraaff @phil_howcroft @photohoot @photogypsy @photograndma @pixelchix @pocketmouse @potsbypam @prettycheeses @purdey @radiogirl @redy4et @ricaa @riddle @riverlandphotos @robfalbo @rosiekind @rookynook @royb40 @s4sayer @salza @samae @sutlivesam @sandradavies @serendypyty @sianipops @silkestahl sjc88 @slash @snoopybooboo @spanishliz @sporenmaken @sporenmaken @squamloon @sstcowan @stefneyhart @streats @suebarni @suesmith @sugarmuser @summerfield @susale @sutlivesam @swillinbillyflynn @taffy @tammyputney @tetonia @thholyhorse @thresheg @tinley23 @tiredpanda @tracys @tunia @tstb13 @unicornlover0109 @vignouse @vincent24 @visionworker @vera365 @wakelys @weezilou @wenbow @wendyhgill @wendystout @willowidk @wxndy @yaorenliu @yolanda @wendyfrost
November 24th, 2024
thanks for the shout out
November 26th, 2024
Thanks for posting my photo in this post
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