People 36 is Underway!

December 3rd, 2024
Thanks to Karen for hosting the previous People Challenge, and to everyone who entered and who voted.

On now to People 36. Going into the holiday season I've decided to go a little outside of the box and instead of going with festive moments chose the theme "Quiet Time" . What I'm looking for here are the moments when people are resting from the parties, and the shopping, and the baking etc. It could be someone relaxing after trimming the tree, or sitting on a bench at the shopping mall, or Grandma napping in the armchair in the corner etc.

The photos may be black and white or colour and you may enter as many times as you like but only one entry from any contestant will be included in the final list.

Starting date will be December 1st and I'm going to set the end date as Jan 5th so you have the opportunity to include some 'after New Year's' quiet times too.

Just as an extra note, here is a list of the previous themes:

1. Silly
2. In Uniform
3. Strangers
4. Negative space (N-Space)
5. In Motion
6. Holiday
7. Relaxing
8. Working
9. Getting Ready
10. Colourful
11. Having fun
12. No theme
13. Celebration
14. Outdoors
15. Photographer
16. Silhouette
17. In a crowd
18. In a car
19. 1-3-5
20. Busyness
21. No theme
22. environmental portrait
23. Waiting
24. People and their pets
25. People in Transit
26. Joy
27. EYES
28. Family&Friends
29. Outside
30. Reflection
31. Framing
32. Water
33. People and Food
34. B&W Portraits
35. People Waiting
36. Quiet Times

Please tag your entries People-36.
I hope you have fun with this and maybe find some quiet time of your own, to help you through the holiday season.

Entries can be viewed here:

December 3rd, 2024
@gardencat What a great theme idea!
December 3rd, 2024
Added to sh*t list,
December 3rd, 2024
January 5th, 2025
I'll check my posts for you!
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