Its been a while since i posted one of these threads but I keep being prompted by sensational photographs you all post and with the new year starting lots of new people deserve a shoutout and some exposure beside the fabulous photographers we already follow and love.
So take a moment to review all the photos you have pressed that fav star for in the past couple of weeks, and choose a few to share.
To post the image in this thread go to said photo, , click the 'sharing and more options'icon at bottom right of the photo, click once in the share link box so that the link goes blue, and then copy/paste that link into your reply to this thread.
I am enjoying Andoka's new project with her moody images with lovely soft backgrounds @andokadesbois
always love a good tidal 'tree' by Ruby @rubyflower
Lovely image Sharon , welcome back to 365 @purdeygrey
I loved the lighting and composition on this image. I would subtitle it "How to Make a Mundane Onion Look Like a Piece of Art"! Absolutely beautiful Francoise! @francoise
Really enjoying Casablanca's @casablanca poetry project and this photo is simply stunning but you need to click on it and read the poem that is associated with it.
I loved the lighting and composition on this image. I would subtitle it "How to Make a Mundane Onion Look Like a Piece of Art"! Absolutely beautiful Francoise! @francoise
Thanks for the mention @kali66 - Nicki @nix11 is new to 365. I am really enjoying her images.
and @aleksandra_julia is currently in Portugal. Really enjoying her street art images.
Sheer joy by @wendystout
Shredded by Wendy @photohoot
Approaching Storm by Islandgirl @radiogirl
and one more
A Genius by Bucktree @dkellogg