Please will you place your vote for the photograph that you think best represents a nation's food or dish. Thank you to the 10 photographers who entered (a shout out to Zilli who entered 12 dishes); I had quite a smorgasbord and buffet of delightful food photos to short list to the menu you have below.
I urge you to read the narrative that accompanies the image, I have learnt so much about different countries' foods in shortlisting this round of the BLD Challenge.
I urge you to read the narrative that accompanies the image, I have learnt so much about different countries' foods in shortlisting this round of the BLD Challenge.
1/ Des Escargots Francais from @laroque
2/ Gingerbread tree from @kametty
3/ Pizza from @zilli
4/ Lechon Kawali from @cristinaledesma33
5/ Barbecued Squid from @lumpiniman
You have until Friday 17th to select your dish. The winning photograher will then host the nexr Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner Challenge.