Thank you to @skipt07 who hosted this thread for a long time.
I love this weekly post because it takes me on a trip down memory lane. It is not yet Friday where I am, but it is already Friday in many places in the world. Won't you join me and share a memory?
This trip down memory lane is open to everyone. Once you have taken 30 or more photos the flashback link will appear in the box below, "View this month" and "Latest from all albums" beneath "Photo Details" on your page. Hopefully, as we go back in our archives we will see that our photography skills have improved and maybe even chuckle at what we once thought was good enough to post.
ABOUT POSTING: When it is Friday of a new week, a new Flashback will begin. There will be 52 flashbacks a year. You can post a photo then or wait until it is Friday where you live.
HOW DOES IT WORK? Click the Flashback View link and it will take you to one of your past photos.
USE THE FIRST image it gives you, even if you aren't too fond of it! That way we can see how much you have progressed in your photography skills while on the Project.
TO SHARE: Underneath your photo is a curved arrow to the right (➦). Click on the arrow and there will be an "Embed Code". Copy the code then paste it in the comment box below adding any comments, if you wish, about the photo.
THANK YOU for taking the time to participate. I hope all your flashbacks are pleasant ones!
Back in 2021 when we could find late 19th and early 20th century glassware washed out from a breach in a seawall embankment.
Nature has totally reclaimed the land and glassware finds such as this ding happen anymore
@skipt07 thank you Skip for curating this thread for, I think, the whole timd I've been on 365 and thank you so much Nada @njmom3 for taking on the role of memories flashback curator. 🙏🤓
A sheep for my return to the past! Although this is a picture from 2013, I'm fairly sure it's a recent post, in my attempt to show some of the varieties of sheep I see here in the English Lake District. This is a Suffolk.
@anniesue Awww. Will have to look through your albums to see more. @ljmanning I love abstracts. So, what does it say on the tin? And thank you. @joysabin I also have good intentions about the 52 week challenge but get caught up in life and other things. Beautiful still life. @sewfree Love how the most mundane of objects can make an interest image. Interesting ombre end result.
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I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
It’s already Friday afternoon 3.30pm here, so here’s mine:
‘Blue’ from March 2020.
I got a flashback to a throwback! This was posted 31st July 2016, but the photo is from spring of 1977!
And also thanks to Nada for continuing it on :)
Aug 2018 – Jincumbilly Station
Athabasca Glacier in Canada in July 2016
From January 2018
Nature has totally reclaimed the land and glassware finds such as this ding happen anymore
@njmom3 for taking on the role of memories flashback curator. 🙏🤓
It was a WWYD!
From 2 years ago…. Almost exactly!
Thank you Skip @skipt07 for keeping this going for so long, and thank you Nada @njmom3 for taking over. I love this thread!
This week my flashback was to October of 2023. This is an old mill in my city that's now a restaurant/event venue:
@leggzy @kjarn @30pics4jackiesdiamond @spanishliz @princessicajessica
You are welcome ladies, Linda, Kathy, Jackie, Liz, and Jessica. Thank you for participating over the years that kept it going.
@lsquared 1977! Oldest flashback I have seen. @ludwigsdiana Such lovely colors.
@leggzy Had to look up the station. How interesting. @kjarn How low those clouds are.
@byrdlip Lovely use of selective coloring.
@laroque Awww.
@vincent24 Looks peaceful.
@nickspicsnz Gorgeous light.
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Imagine the stories embedded in these.
@mariadarby Love the framing in the building. @darchibald Looks like a snake.
@lumpiniman Such a colorful creation.
@blueberry1222 Very trippy.
@northy Mysterious. Love the crop that it ends where it does.
@spanishliz I see the dog's head.
@monicac So sweet.
@mittens Is it spring yet?
@princessicajessica Love the light on the building.
@skipt07 You are welcome to step over to the other side any time you like!
@tinley23 What an interesting part of history.
Thank you all for the welcome. Through all your memories, I think I have travelled through time and perhaps across the world.
Thank you for taking on the mantle @njmom3
@ljmanning I love abstracts. So, what does it say on the tin? And thank you.
@joysabin I also have good intentions about the 52 week challenge but get caught up in life and other things. Beautiful still life.
@sewfree Love how the most mundane of objects can make an interest image. Interesting ombre end result.