Thank you for Get Pushed #653 entries: All the entries can be viewed here:
This is a very difficult challenge from which to choose finalists as the challenges and responses all have varying degrees of difficulty and interesting and creative responses.
The following entries have been short-listed and voting will close on Sunday 9th February 2024 and will be announced on Monday.
Although I have included a shortened version of each challenge, it is worth reading the narrative of the photographer to get a better insight into the response to the challenge.
1. Delwyn Barnett @dkbarnett was challenged by Suzanne @ankers70 to respond to the phrase 'last light' in whatever way she chose. This lovely landscape was her response.
2. Francoise @francoise was challenged by Kali @kali66 to photograph food colour in water. Of her four responses, I preferred this one.
3. Nada @njmom3 was challenged by Jackie @ 30pics4jackiesdiamond to try oil on water photography. This colourful response was my favourite of her two entries.
4. Mona @mona65 was challenged by AnnieD @annied to feature architecture in some way. Both her responses were creative but I liked the cleverness of this response in particular.
5. Kathryn M @kametty was challenged by Andrew-Bede Allsop @allsop to do a self portrait. This was a challenging exercise for her. Of her three entries I chose this one
Thank you for including mine.
This was hard to choose- all responded to their challenge so well!