52 Week Challenge, Week 6 - Storytime

February 4th, 2025
Hi all,

Tomorrow, February 5th, brings us into week 6 of the Capture52 challenge, and this week’s theme will be:

Week 6 (5 Feb - 11 Feb) Storytime
This week you must tell a story with your imagery.

Tags for this week: 52wc-2025-w6 (for here on 365), and #Capture52 or #Capture52week6 for social media.

Week 6 photos can be seen here

Week 5 photos can be seen here

If you’re new to 365 or unfamiliar with this challenge, it’s a friendly, year long challenge with a weekly prompt. The aim is to inspire your photography and nudge you to try new techniques and subjects. It’s not a competition and there are no winners at the end of each week; you don’t have to do every single prompt, and you take it at your own pace. If you’d like to be tagged for a reminder of the weekly prompt, leave me a comment below and I’ll add you to the list.

Once again, thanks to Alison Crea & Justine Solomano, who created the challenge and who continue to come up with these excellent prompts and welcome us to follow along here on 365. If you’re on Facebook, it’s well worth joining the Capture52 group – it’s a lively, positive group for all photography types and skill levels.

Capture52 Facebook Group
February 4th, 2025
@emrob @northy @la_photographic @stephanies @joysabin @olivetreeann @summerfield @tracys @girlincamo @brett101 @jaybutterfield @bulldog @inthecloud5 @kiwinanna @hvansteenburgh @farmreporter @salza @irisn @bizziebeeme @clover81 @imaginings @lilacphotography @quietpurplehaze @Dawnee @roulin @tracie8266 @wag864 @jo38 @susie1205 @squamloon @stefneyhart @shannejw @dibzgreasley @jlady @ingajohansson @30pics4jackiesdiamond @partyof72015 @windridge @shari7 @ludwigsdiana @pistache @mpp @lynbonn @peterday @evalieutionspics @adi314 @sdutoit @yrhenwr @dkbarnett @jnorthington @caterina @blind_lens @stimuloog @brigette @jbrack2000 @dhoward @365projectorglynnbateman @kt8ird @kali66 @vincent24 @susanharvey @francoise @bella_ss @rdjrneace @annied @dsp2 @christinabengephotography @nvisn @deborah63 @lsquared @caroli @randystreat @tskipper @sarahlth @365bestversionsofme @garryrobertson @helenhall @fbailey @iicydiamonds @wenbow @kimmer50 @eyeofbabs @cruiser @amyk @jgpittenger @ruth316 @mimi365 @georgews @timspin86 @fr1da @mrsvanpatten @malcolmmacphail @juliedduncan @kt8ird @tinspired @yve @susie1205 @dogmomlo @kvphotobug @daisymiller @angiadelle @deborah63 @janetb @primitiveprobe @alijchapman @mickalypickaly @christinemarie @henrir @teresamaro @smisag @eudora @shawnas365 @wenadee @katrinanz @missyann @daisymiller @muster @ginaanderson @chikadnz @nzkites @franceslivelife @katsimages @cristinaledesma33 @shutterbug49 @dfarrington @featherstone26 @tstb13 @rjb71 @arnica17 @sararoche @jetr @jacqbb @jannkc @yrhenwr @jrcallis @kimmer50 @kathyo @klopfer @jeneurell @toinette @ontiveros @bjywamer @paulinewelch58 @phil_sandford @transatlantic99 @karatulanko @carole_sandford @etienne @kph129 @stray_shooter @4rky @sstcowan @valpetersen @libbykdowninggmailcom @doubleclix @lyndamcg @suez1e @mjmaven @tiredpanda @fotoblah @jillbrowning @joesweet @dutchothotmailcom @axika @ricksnap @johnfalconer @bruni @joansmor @ksyvarth @sprphotos @dawrenda @dora @pdjmaine @santina @theredcamera @cherrymartina @wakelys @clearday @njmom3 @deekjames @eleheys @yorkshirekiwi @2022julieg @ggshearron @tapucc10 @timspin1986 @jmphoto @sschertenleib @anniebaix @jeneurell @katiebaptist @sousasarie84 @ingrid01 @ruminator @m00 @kasinna @mirroroflife @ankers70 @stowie576 @mltrotter @cdonohoue @theenchantedlensproject @kuva @mazoo @slaabs @cdcook48 @merrelyn @helenhall @kjarn @nannasgotitgoingon @frodob @365projectorgchristine @Dawn @bobbic @sapphira @walksnaplove @spanishliz @jeanbernstein @christinav @happyteg @purlsnaps @zilli @paintdipper @scrapnknit @tiaj1402 @hannahcallier @mittens @sewfree @jennidash @365projectorgchristine @yesfantina @_rhonda_ @thistle_01
February 5th, 2025
Please tag me a reminder, thank you!
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