Narcissi exposures by dulciknit

Narcissi exposures

The companion to today's main album shot :

All sharpened and cropped but no other actions apart from straight conversion from RAW to *.jpeg - well, I assembled them into this, of course. :-D
I think the one in the middle, on the far left should be named "Goldilocks' for two reasons: one, they are such a pretty yellow/gold color. Two, they are "just right" with the exposure. (for my tastes) this is gorgeous!
March 11th, 2013  
@espyetta Thank you, Mary Beth. Interesting - that was the one I used for my 365 album shot!
March 11th, 2013  
I agree with MaryBeth - that's my choice on exposure - sure are lovely and so cheery looking.
March 11th, 2013  
I like the gradation across the grid of photos, but I think you chose the right one for your main shot!
March 12th, 2013  
nice set of shots
March 12th, 2013  
Yes I agree on the chosen one. So you do the conversion within the camera, sorry totally ignorant about RAW.
March 12th, 2013  
Beautiful set of shots. Love the different exposures.
March 12th, 2013  
@jennywren Thank you, Jen. I use the RAW converter in Photoshop Elements 11
March 12th, 2013  
I really like how you created this example of exposures. #3, 4 and 5 are perfect in my opinion.
March 12th, 2013  
A great way to present your pictures to show us the difference. I am not sure about RAW but our camera group are having a someone to talk about it.
May 14th, 2013  
@jtookey150 RAW photos are great. They take up quite a lot more memory but you can do so much more to make your shots look the way you want them to. The processing isn't difficult, like a lot of things it needs a bit of practice. And if you don't like what you've done, you just press the default button to take it back to the way it was. You can also make as many copies using different settings to get different looks, and still have the original shot - a bit like taking lots of prints from the same negative. It takes a bit of extra time but it's great fun. and you don't need to do the processing unless and until you want to use the shot. You can't send or print RAW files but once you've made a *-jpeg copy you can use that.
I thoroughly recommend it
May 14th, 2013  
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