2nd June 2020 by emmadurnford

2nd June 2020

Day 71 of lock down

We were supposed to be having a picnic lunch at Strawberry Hill today however I noticed a reminder on FaceBook that it is an acquaintance of Colin - Frances Burtenshaw’s funeral today and the cortege would be passing down Teddington High Street at 1:15. We did try and reschedule the picnic but the couple had other plans so we set out to the highstreet just after 1 o'clock in time to see the hearse and funeral director walking past France's original home and onto the high-Street where he passed Frances’s fish shop (now a coffee shop) and indeed the place that he was born over 90 years ago. There is a yellow floral arrangement of a fish in the back of the hearse which symbolises Frances's job as a fishmonger and his amazing home smoked haddock.

I'm pleased to say that despite the regulations that only allow a few close relatives to attend a funeral, there was a good turnout of well over 40 people to see him off including one gentleman from the Special Forces who came in his army beret and saluted as he passed.

This afternoon I actually managed to do some work and updated the stock take I did this a couple of months ago of my greeting cards to take account of the cards that Julia had returned after the closing of her Teddington shop. I made up the invoice and including the sale of calendars it came to almost £200.

Today is dinner was mackerel with apple sauce followed by a fruit salad!

39,369 PHE total dead in the UK (up 324)
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