It is written on the arched sky.
it looks out from every star.
it is the poetry of nature.
It is that which uplifts
the spirit within us.
...John Ruskin
They are now calling the Palisades a hellscape. The fire has burned 19,059 acres (bigger than Manhattan) and 5,316 structures are damaged or destroyed. No one can believe what has happened. Pacific Palisades is my hometown and it held a special place in my heart. I lived there from birth to age 28.
In all the ongoing fires in Los Angeles County, over 10,000 structures have burned and a conservative estimate of the loss due to fires is $50 billion.
Six major fires:
Palisades Fire
Eaton Fire
Hurst Fire
Sunset Fire
Lidia Fire
Kenneth Fire
180,000 have had to evacuate. 2,300 firemen are at the Palisades Fire. They need the winds to stop. They need more water. Evacuees are in utter disbelief over lost homes, neighborhoods, schools, family heirlooms and possessions. The life they had is gone...all gone.
The damage has taken its toll. Even when rebuilt, it will never be the same as it once was for 100 years.
Cal Fire from our area has sent a dozen aircraft to help Southern California with the fires. Eight C130 air tankers drop fire retardant around the outside of the fires to help create a containment line. 32,000 gallons of retardant in two days. Tankers from the State of Montana and Washington are at the Palisades Fire as well.
Also other agencies have sent help from El Dorado Fire, Cosumnes Fire, Davis Fire, Amador Fire, Sacramento Fire and Sacramento Metro Fire.
And only 6% containment. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Best on Black.
Terrible to see the news report about the fires. Nature seems to be in a very bad mood.
Again...thank you for your support. It is a difficult time for me and all the other fire victims in the Palisades whose lives, dreams, keepsakes and homes are gone. I cannot imagine what they will do moving forward. I feel for all the fire victims in the Los Angeles area. Apocalyptic nightmare. The firefighters worked tirelessly with their limited water supply, resources, firetrucks and firemen. The winds and embers were unrelenting.