I painted this one yesterday and had planned to use it for today's photo when I saw the pathetic appeal for the album cover challenge from a friend (♥) so l decided to go ahead and enter that challenge with it.
Band: This Year's Model, which is actually the name of an album released by the English singer-songwriter Elvis Costello
Album: serious examination is false wit
taken from a quote by Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)......."Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit."
Ha! That little snippet of the quote turns the meaning entirely on its end, doesn’t it? Great album cover. I keep meaning to do one. I better get my butt in gear right?
@mcsiegle definitely got it right about the quote… I thought the same. I love your painting and the way you used it. The edge with the title reminds me of the way CD’s are (we’re?) packaged, but yours is much higher class!
@ludwigsdiana i really appreciate that enthusiasm Diana thanks ever so much @summerfield pathetic worked I got me off my a$$. I am so happy you like the results. Your aopproval means a lot to me @wakelys thanks so much Sue I am glad you do @joansmor happy to hear that Joan @Dawn what a wonderful nice thing to say Dawn thanks for the FAV too @theredcamera How nice of you to say Ellen I was pleased to make it work so well @randystreat thanks bunches Kathy I am partial to that as well @olivetreeann there is and I don't think you have done one yet. Yours are always so spot on too but you have a lot going on these days thanks Ann @taffy i am so happy you think so Taffy. Thanks for that vote of confidence @briaan thank you so much Briann @kjarn I am glad you think so Kathy @mccarth1 I really appreciate that Kerry @mcsiegle thanks and, yes you better get something in gear for sure Mary. Yes the snippet changes it entirely @granagringa so nice of you to say Madeline @digitalrn thanks Rick It is a slippery slope because I start I don't want to do anything else. Watercolor is a new medium for me and I am loving it @marilyn LOL That is actually the edge of the frame the painting is in but because the photo needed to be square format it doesn't show that way. I was too lazy to remove the painting so decided it would work well like this for the title or artist name. Thank you so much for the positive support as always
pathetic, non? ☺
@summerfield pathetic worked I got me off my a$$. I am so happy you like the results. Your aopproval means a lot to me
@wakelys thanks so much Sue I am glad you do
@joansmor happy to hear that Joan
@Dawn what a wonderful nice thing to say Dawn thanks for the FAV too
@theredcamera How nice of you to say Ellen I was pleased to make it work so well
@randystreat thanks bunches Kathy I am partial to that as well
@olivetreeann there is and I don't think you have done one yet. Yours are always so spot on too but you have a lot going on these days thanks Ann
@taffy i am so happy you think so Taffy. Thanks for that vote of confidence
@briaan thank you so much Briann
@kjarn I am glad you think so Kathy
@mccarth1 I really appreciate that Kerry
@mcsiegle thanks and, yes you better get something in gear for sure Mary. Yes the snippet changes it entirely
@granagringa so nice of you to say Madeline
@digitalrn thanks Rick It is a slippery slope because I start I don't want to do anything else. Watercolor is a new medium for me and I am loving it
@marilyn LOL That is actually the edge of the frame the painting is in but because the photo needed to be square format it doesn't show that way. I was too lazy to remove the painting so decided it would work well like this for the title or artist name. Thank you so much for the positive support as always