Two great friends reunited last night! Alex & Rachel went through primary school together & have always kept in touch all across the 12,000 miles apart.
Both engaged with wedding next March & May, new fiancés to meet & lots of catching up. They both said as if they had never been apart, they last met a couple of years ago when Alex was here last.
All four of them walked a couple of hundred yards down the road to visit their old teacher but sadly she was out!
Alex on the left, Rachel right
Three good things:
1. Out tonight for Simon’s first taste of British fish & chips!
2. Harry & Simon took the mower to our new place we haven’t bought yet because of probate & the rented one we are going to....these houses are keeping us busy!
3. I met up for a coffee in the village cafe with my old friend, I haven’t seen her for a couple of weeks, lots to talk about!
Lovely. These catch up times are so special. I'm sure the fish and chips would be a treat. Our little 'Egyptian' grandsons love them. Next year I'll need to call them 'Chinese' if all goes to plan!😂😂
How lovely thry have kept on touch and great they have the eccotment of weddings together
. Poor Harry being kept busy with all his lawn mowing.. lucky he had a young helper this time..
Old friends are not necessarily old! These two look the same age so they must have started young. I hope you don't need to mow the lawns again at your old home - which is really old (but beautiful)
@maggiemae Yes I think still some mowing because we haven’t got a moving date yet, Harry is mowing three places now, I do t know how we collect them! Both other places empty but our name on them! 😳
@julzmaioro Plus he loves mowing Julz...three houses on the go & height of grass growing season....very proud of his ‘step’ numbers...over 16,000 today, not bad for someone 82 tomorrow!
. Poor Harry being kept busy with all his lawn mowing.. lucky he had a young helper this time..