Team Lab is an amazing interactive space with vivid exhibits you walk through and interact with, even drawing things that then become a moving image on the wall as part of the experience, and much more. I am in three times (you have to look closely to see in the blue ones) and Michael @vankrey in here twice.
...and I thought everyone was stuck at home!!!!! I have NO IDEA what this is about, but your enthusiasm lets me know you had a spectacular time! And the color! And those photos!!! So happy for you!
@Weezilou Oh, trust me, I am very much at home all the time! I've hardly left the house at all since March 12 when I quickly returned home from Poland. And I don't imagine I'll leave the house much at all over the next half year either. Taffy and I are taking Photoshop Lessons online from Matt K - in fact you recommended him -- and I used photos from a trip in February to Japan with local high school students studying Japanese. Needless to say, our trip for 2021 is canceled. So worry not, I am at home. All the time. l'll bet I haven't left the house even as many as 15 times -- and only recently had to put gas in my car for the first time.
@jyokota I'll be writing to you then! So pleased to hear you and Taffy are enjoying Matt's classes! I did sign on for the 2nd Photoshop Summit, but haven't completed it. I bought the lessons, so can go back to it later while the Cricut cools down!
@dide Not an expert at all but highly recommend learning PS through an at home online course where you can go back and re-watch lessons! I have not learned anything one time through a lesson -- only on repeat!