@casablanca@bjywamer I used 1/2 cup warm water and dissolved one tablespoon of sugar in it. Then I added a tablespoon of corn syrup and mixed it up. The last ingredient was a tablespoon of dish detergent mixed in gently… the recipe I found online said to set the container outside while you dressed warmly. I used a straw to blow the bubbles… that was the hard part. Try it on a day without wind and very cold out.
@kvphoto Will have to find an alternative to corn syrup, not a thing in England, but I bet someone has a similar recipe if I look. Thank you for your detailed response. I shall give this a try if I can. Your result is super.
@casablanca I also saw a recipe that used glycerin as an alternative to corn syrup. One thing I would do next time is to get clear dish soap… mine was blue and it made my bubbles blueish.
@kvphoto Ooh I have glycerin! I use that in baking. Excellent tip, thank you. My dish soap is green....so another excellent tip. Fun trying something new, isn't it?
@bjywamer You are most welcome… I just Googled it to figure it out… the hardest part was blowing the bubbles. I didn’t really get many single bubbles. I guess it takes practice.
@casablanca I have used a similar recipe but used Maple syrup. Here in my part of the uk it rarely gets that cold.
Excellent bubbles! I have tried to do these with store bought bubble mix with mixed success. One of these days...