Laura, thank you for the challenge. For your challenge could you show something of, or related to, the work you do at your job? (unless your work is top secret!) How does that sound? Let me know if you’d prefer a different challenge.
@la_photographic Of course I would not want you to expose confidential information! Just a general indication of the type of work you do. I’ve seen many pictures you’ve posted of the train lines and other details of what appears to be a commute into the city. (Though I could be wrong). I’ve wondered what do you do when you get there. 🧐 Are you on a computer all day in a private office away from the public? Are you on the phone with clients or customers? Are you in a public space interacting with people face-to-face? That sort of thing. I definitely don’t want to ask you to show us anything your boss wouldn’t want you to. And, again, let me know if you’d like me to give you a different challenge.