This is the old signal box for the railway lines, that no longer exist in Newcastle…..but, and this is one of the things I really loved about Newcastle, they have kept all their old buildings and have incorporated them in with the new modernised areas – eg. The old railway station is still there, including the platforms, but where the train lines used to be - obviously down lower than the platforms, but they have been built up to the platform level to create pedestrian areas, and where the train tracks used to be, they are marked on the new pavement areas, so that you can see where the train lines used to run….and it all looks so fantastic, and I thought that was such a great idea.
Back to the signal box..…I believe that the building is heritage listed (along with all the old buildings in the area, I imagine), and this old building is now a restaurant! It must be a pretty good restaurant too, as there were always people at it, plus we were not able to get ourselves a booking as it was always booked out, unfortunately.
A lovely scene, nice that the old railway buildings have been adapted for new uses. Our youngest daughter and her husband lived in a signal box that had been converted into a small house, when they first got married!
January 13th, 2025
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