The Little Bookshop by maggiemae

The Little Bookshop

Taking a walk today down a local no-exit street, I found this at the very end! These Lilliput Libraries are so cool, I think! I looked at the books within and they are all with authors I know and in great condition! The little timber case is well made and has an open door.
I don't know how it's going to change at the end of this street but maybe if people get to know about them, the books will be exchanged!
I wanted a book recently by an author and on 'kindle app' it was $14 US! Too much, so I looked at our local library, found it available but currently booked out. I just asked to be on the waiting list! How good is that!
A great story telling image and story.
September 23rd, 2024  
Such a sweet little book library and such an ideal way to exchange(I assume!) books within the community without the unnecessary cost of purchasing a new copy !
September 23rd, 2024  
These little library boxes pop up ever where.. a great thing..
September 23rd, 2024  
What a brilliant idea, it is so small
September 23rd, 2024  
I am taking pictures of the ones I find and getting a collection. I even made a scrapbook page with them and my mentor thought it was marvelous. We have a website I can use to find some of them.
September 23rd, 2024  
These little libraries sometimes have some interesting books dont they
September 23rd, 2024  
I spend quite a lot of time adding to and taking from marina libraries and neighbourhood free libraries. So good.
September 23rd, 2024  
I love these, such a lovely shot and scene.
September 23rd, 2024  
September 23rd, 2024  
cute one, just dont touch the fence!
September 23rd, 2024  
These little libraries are a wonderful idea. We have them here too. Nice find.
September 23rd, 2024  
I love “Little Libraries”. You should check them out. These libraries are in 121 countries. They tell you where they are located.
September 23rd, 2024  
Cute photo and what a great idea. Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to make things better for everyone. Glad you found you could rent the book from the library for free.
September 23rd, 2024  
Very cutesie!
September 23rd, 2024  
We have one of these in our little Pinfold. They just seem to pop up! I order books from our mobile library too…..they used to charge but no charge from the van. I have one on order now.
September 23rd, 2024  
@kali66 I just realised what that yellow notice meant, Kali! The electric fence appeared to be on the inside of the field and odd, because there are no animals in it. Haven't been for years!
September 23rd, 2024  
@happypat Our libraries have also got more giving - no fines but the newly published books are $2 which is really peanuts!
September 23rd, 2024  
@grammyn Reading seems to be considered a good thing to do nowadays! I once thought everybody read! Now we hear of children going through school and still not able to read!
September 23rd, 2024  
These are such a great idea!
September 23rd, 2024  
They are such a great idea- and a nice way to spread some good around! I haven't found one in my area- but we do have a couple nice libraries in our county.
September 24th, 2024  
There for a while these were popping up all over the place, but lately they seem to have died out, at least in our area
September 25th, 2024  
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