2016-02-24 the nature of tea by mona65

2016-02-24 the nature of tea

There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.

- Lin Yutan


What I know since exact two months was underlined today in form of an impersonal and cold-hearted letter. The written notice, that I’ll lose my job end of May after 13 years. I do not feel that sad and bitter, as just before Christmas, and I know it’s not the end of the world, and there will be something out there for me,... but you know... it is not nice.

Ok, I’m not English, still I believe it helps to sit down, have a cup of tea and contemplating a bit, and by the way setting up a scene for the pic of the day. :-)

I would not mind, if one or the other have a cup of tea too, and would keep their fingers crossed, that I find a new job. As far as now, I just got refusals. :-(

It is so strange to me how some people are able to create their style so quickly ... the moment this popped up I thought "it's Mona's," as I usually do with your work. Beautiful, beautiful light and composition! Fingers crossed and prayers coming your way for an acceptance to a new and exciting job!
February 24th, 2016  
Excellent shot
February 24th, 2016  
Sorry to hear that Mona, I will certainly keep my fingers crossed and send positive energy your way for a new job! Lovely image by the way :)
February 24th, 2016  
This is a beautiful set up and shot! To bad your losing your job, hope you will find a new one soon, will keep my fingers crossed!
February 24th, 2016  
I see this warm and soothing image and think of you sipping your tea a world away from me. But, I sit here and sip my drink smiling when I think of you. I am sending positive thoughts that you will find the right job for "you".
Now take a pen and write on the back of that impersonal and cold-hearted letter: "You will not bring me down, I am a strong woman!"
February 24th, 2016  
I "Fav" your picture, as this is the beginning of a new journey for you. :)
February 24th, 2016  
Mona, you are a master. I love everything about this, but I think especially the curve of the handle that points to the steam gives me chills. I have been laid off before, a few days before my birthday, and I know how devastating it can be. Being without a job was very demoralizing. But, the job that I found afterwards became my career, and launched me into this crazy life that now brings me joy. I am not religious, and I am not spiritual, but I believe that everything happens for a reason. This pain that you feel now will make happiness that much more rich. Being free from a job that you have had for so long will force you to learn new things. You will grow, and you will change, and one day you will look back on this time and compare how different your life became from that moment forward. I am glad that you are back to shooting, I missed you when you took your break. I hope that creating art helps you feel productive.
February 24th, 2016  
@aecasey I knew right away, too. She is so good at what she does.
February 24th, 2016  
Gorgeous lighting. All the best for your future job searching.
February 24th, 2016  
So clever! This would have been good for the Dilmah competition! fav
February 24th, 2016  
Stunning piece of art Mona!
Sending you positive thoughts and luck in finding the perfect job for you! :)
February 24th, 2016  
Lovely shot Mona, lovely lighting and steam. Sorry to hear the disappointing news. However I'm a firm believer there's opportunity in this too. Positive vibes on their way to you!
February 24th, 2016  
@bebecitosfotos Wonderfully said! And Mona - this is a beautiful picture!
February 24th, 2016  
Very creative.
February 24th, 2016  
Beautiful on black, great composition.

When one closes an other one opens - hopefully to better things, good luck with your search for a new job,

Fav! btw
February 24th, 2016  
You always have such fantastic black and whites, I find a lot to learn from them. I just love your unique style. As to the job search, I'm sure it will work out fine soon. And the sender of that cold letter... well, to hell with them!
February 24th, 2016  
Love the texture on the tea pot!
February 24th, 2016  
Such a creative image, this is quite beautiful. There is a reason for everything in this life, I am sure greater opportunities are just around the corner, however, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to help them along - good luck!
February 24th, 2016  
With my next cup of tea I will picture you starting an exciting new job.
February 24th, 2016  
This is so beautiful. I was just debating whether to have a cup of tea before I go to bed, decision made, I will be wishing the best for you and sending positive vibes across Europe!
February 24th, 2016  
great shot fav
February 25th, 2016  
this is really nice. Love the dark background and all the elements. Fav
February 25th, 2016  
Wonderful shot. Do be sure to bookmark this page for yourself to go back to on difficult days and know how many people things so highly of you and your skills and are pulling for your new success. Hugs!
February 25th, 2016  
And my fingers are crossed for sure
February 25th, 2016  
Wonderful shot Mona, your still life shots are always so beautiful! I am so sorry to hear about your job, I hope something else comes for you soon.
February 25th, 2016  
I am so sorry for the loss AND the way they did it through an impersonal letter. Boo!!! May your next job be more than you could ever have hoped for or imagined for yourself! BEAUTIFUL SHOT.
February 25th, 2016  
A stunning photo Mona, and I just love that escaping steam!! What an amazing capture... And it's very much a shame that the formal letter that came to you had to be that an impersonal and cold-hearted one. That was not necessary. Shame on them. You will have good things coming to you Mona even if it doesn't feel like it now... I believe it.
February 25th, 2016  
Beautiful, beautiful shot. I lost my job in a quite rude manner several years ago. After several very uncomfortable months I ended up in a position that has made me happier than any other I have ever had. You are so talented. I just know you will end up in a good spot.
February 25th, 2016  
@aecasey I'm with you, thought Mona straight away. And Mona, photography future for you for sure!
February 25th, 2016  
So sorry to hear your bad news Mona. I hope that you get a new job very soon. Great shot. I'll have a cup of tea with you!
February 25th, 2016  
Oooh I love this, very atmospheric!
In my opinion, tea always helps.
Fingers crossed that you find your new path.
February 25th, 2016  
As April said, I knew this was yours too! Beautiful, and that wisp of steam is sheer perfection. We'll all be having tea, thinking of you and keeping everything crossed - there's no way that someone as talented as you will be out of a job for long!
February 25th, 2016  
Tea is always a great comfort! Mona, this is just beautiful - huge fav.
I'm so sorry to hear your news - it's a hard thing to have to go through but I've seen others face this and find wonderful new opportunities. Something wonderful is just waiting out there for you
February 25th, 2016  
Beautiful bw
February 25th, 2016  
I'm so sorry
February 25th, 2016  
Love this, especially the wisp of steam rising. Sending positive thoughts your way.
February 25th, 2016  
Delightful, evocative, well thought out and composed image, and that is not counting the processing! The curl of steam just makes it! Excellent work!
February 25th, 2016  
February 25th, 2016  
@novab Dear Nova. Thank you for your inspiration and support. I was quite proud of myself that I did not cry, when I got the notice. But then I had tears, reading your kind words. ;-)
February 25th, 2016  
Love, love, love. Fav.
February 25th, 2016  
@bebecitosfotos Thank you very much Melissa to share your experience with me and that you liked the picture. It means a lot to me, when a pro likes what I'm capturing. But still lifes are easy. For me it's playing safe.
February 25th, 2016  
What a beautiful image. I like the light and steam. Positive thoughts coming your way. I know better times and the right job are in store for you.
February 25th, 2016  
I am sorry about the letter and job loss. Hang in there Mona, you are so very talented and in the end, it will all work out. Focus on taking your incredible images :)
February 25th, 2016  
I wish only the best for you as you begin the search for a new job. This photo is amazing! You are so very talented!
February 25th, 2016  
Dearest Mona, I am so very very sorry to read this disheartening news. Your photo is so beautiful, I could envision you selling matted copies of this to a gallery or market and let the money trickle in as you look for new employment. Change certainly isn't easy... "I hate change!" ... but you've got the support of a world-wide contingent of friends who are out her cheering you on and keeping you in their prayers. Be sure and
let us know when you've stepped up to something even bigger and better. The door may have closed, but look for the open window! ♥ xo
February 25th, 2016  
Ah Mona. I'm sad for you that it has come to this. Bon courage. I have everything crossed for luck for you in your job search. Meanwhile, this is a(nother) beautiful image.
February 25th, 2016  
I like and fav this lovely low-key picture, even though tea doesn't like me and I don't like it (although I am English by birth!). I am so sorry about your job and about the way it was handled. I won't be drinking tea, but I till certainly keep my fingers crossed, and I'm sure you will find something.
February 25th, 2016  
Dear, Mona, I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Your exquisite image is powerful and your words heartfelt and meaningful. Yes, there will be something out there for you as you said; and I pray that God will bring you comfort and strength as you adjust to life's changes. I read a line in a book years ago, and it's always lifted me up:

I don't know what lies around the bend, but I'm going to believe that the best does.
- L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
February 26th, 2016  
Amazing image! And yes tea soothes me as well. Nothing better than a long deep pause and a cuppa.. Best to you..
February 26th, 2016  
this is a wonderful image... but i am so sorry to hear about your job... i can't imagine how stressful and disheartening it must be... all the best of luck in finding something new and better!
February 27th, 2016  
Sorry to hear about your job... hoping something comes up soon for you. This image is stunning. fav
February 29th, 2016  
Fantastic shot
February 29th, 2016  
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