@yorkshirekiwi, another photographer friend and I have started doing a monthly challenge. We pick a topic out of a hat and then meet up for a coffee and to compare our images for the topic each month. January's topic is Pets.
In my wisdom I decided to have a go at the pics where dogs are photographed catching treats. The trouble is my two don't have many treats, apart from a daily cod liver oil capsule, half a Dentastick and peanut butter in a Kong on on my work days, and the very occasional piece of dried liver (which I swear Tilly can smell before I even set foot in the house with it). They certainly don't have any treats thrown for/at them but my reasoning was they try to catch balls so surely they'd try to catch treats. Hmmm, that was wishful thinking. The photos above are just some of the failed attempts of throwing treats for Rowdy when he actually started trying to catch them - there were a lot of attempts beforehand where he didn't even try and just ate them off the ground! 365 wouldn't let me upload a full collage of more of his attempts to catch treats because the image was too long so I've had to cut it right back! I've added a few choice comments that I think pea-brain Rowdy would probably have said if he could talk. He did eventually catch one and then, after a few more failed attempts, a second one. After that I gave up on him while he was on a high and tried Tilly. She was not much better at it but I didn't try for as long with her, and she had to keep trying to catch them lying down because the poor old thing is getting on a bit now.
That dog isn’t stupid!