This snowman's name prompted me to think of the largest "metropolis" near me. I could have gone with a background of Philadelphia as well, but I don't have any skyline images of it in digital form, so I pulled a backdrop from my recent visit to Liberty State Park for "him" instead. This snowman was designed and created by Briggie Williams.
I have to say if I saw this snowman on display somewhere without a title card, I would not think "metropolis" but I do like the colors and their contrast with the black backing. I guess the artist was thinking those strips were like roads and the beans were like cars? Perhaps the "tic tac toe" type squares were depicting grid lock and all the frustrated people who have to deal with it? Who knows! And once again, even though it doesn't look like a traditional snowman, it's still interesting to look at.
To be clear, this snowman is located on Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania and nowhere near the Freedom Tower, but I thought the two made a nice combination.
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