I saw the shout out for album cover entries and realized I hadn't done one yet.
Band- The Walden-Wallkill Rail Trail is a former railroad route between the villages of Walden and Wallkill in Orange and Ulster Counties, NY. The passenger railroad closed in 1957 and freight usage discontinued after that. It was purchased and converted to a public walking/recreational trail in 1985. After much public discussion, the trail was paved in 2008-2009.
Album title taken from a quote by Daniel Barrenboim- "To have real knowledge, one must understand the essence of things and not only their manifestations." Daniel Barrenboim is an Argentine-born pianist and conductor of music for the Berlin State opera and its orchestra. He also conducted the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestre du Pans and La Scala in Milan.
Thank you Debbie, Diana, Liz, Jenn, Babs, Zilli, Winghong, Wendy, Katy, Katrina, Diane, Harry and Corinne!
I really appreciate the views, comments and favs- just can't say that enough!
Thank you Kathy and Vesna!