Today's word was "globe or ball" which brought to mind this Carnival game at the Cumberland County Fair. Anytime someone walked past Zoltar he beckoned them to come gaze into his crystal ball. You can see some of the Carnival rides reflecting in his glass window.
Another massive upload- please do not feel obligated to comment on all of them- just one or two is fine!
@joansmor You did the right thing- Rachel and I understood and had our own adventures. I don't think we even ventured into the barn animals but we did check out the race horses and the "big ones" we watched at the sled pull. I actually wish I'd taken more on the midway but it's been fun to go back through the ones I did take and play around with them.
@eudora@joysabin It's been ages since I saw that movie but whether it's Zoltar or a female version of him, these coin operated "seers" are found at pretty much any fair or game room these days.
@eudora @joysabin It's been ages since I saw that movie but whether it's Zoltar or a female version of him, these coin operated "seers" are found at pretty much any fair or game room these days.
@eudora @ludwigsdiana @joysabin @leggzy @bjywamer @jamibann @joansmor @beryl @beverley365 @thistle_01 @illinilass @carole_sandford @digitalrn @ljmanning
Thank you so much for commenting on this photo- and all the others too!