My photo club has adopted WWYD- we've actually been holding our own WWYD version since 2012 (or so- I'd have to look up my first set of entries to be sure about that date). This year one of the base shots was an empty set of train tracks. My photo processing program had this beautiful overlay of an old stone archway with a cathedral like building in the distance. I thought it really went well together. After merging those shots, I found some textures, snow and other additions that made the picture look antique, frosty and worthy of viewing with a parka on! Originally the picture did not have a title (just a category and #) but when I decided to put together a writing project for Isaac which used this picture it became necessary to give it a proper title to inspire him to write a story to match it- hence "The Legend of the Freedom Train".
The Legend of the Freedom Train by Isaac LeFevre
The Freedom Train was supposedly a myth, a story. That's what all the people in Maraville thought about it. Maraville was a small town built approximately one mile away from a train track. But not any train track. The Freedom Train's track, as Old Man Winters used to call it. Old Man Winters had been around before the town was in existence. He used to sit on the porch of the local diner, telling the young children about The Freedom Train. The children loved his stories, but the adults scoffed at his presumed fictitious tales. They thought he was just trying to trick the children into believing his crazy story. Even though the people scoffed and mocked him, Old Man Winters still told his story. Until one day he got a letter with no return address. Inside the envelope was a ticket that read, "The Ticket to True Life in in Your Hands." That evening he went to the track of The Freedom Train and he was never seen again. The townspeople still debate about what happened to Old Man Winters. Some think he was killed, others think he ran away, but some believe he was whisked away to another place and that they could go there too. But only if they were to believe as Old Man Winters did. And if you go to the track at dawn, you may just catch a glimpse of a light from The Freedom Train too.
This is simply magical Ann, you sure let your creative juices flow here.A wonderful narrative, I wonder what story Isaac will come up with, you gave it such a fabulous title.
Awesome creation. You may just inspired me to learn more about editing and crafting images like this one… that is if I ever stay home/inside/on my computer instead of outside on a hiking trail!
@kvphoto You're welcome KV- I really just play with it until I get what I like. I'm completely self-taught but have been learning more now from other photographers in a small group of photographers I meet with each month. I'm still at a loss on the technical side but love playing around until I see something I like or the image starts to look like what I imagine it should look like.
Thank you so much for the views, comments and favs! By request I have gone back and added in Isaac's story.
@kvphoto Save that idea for the day when you can no longer go out and hike- it's healthier that way!
@kvphoto You're welcome KV- I really just play with it until I get what I like. I'm completely self-taught but have been learning more now from other photographers in a small group of photographers I meet with each month. I'm still at a loss on the technical side but love playing around until I see something I like or the image starts to look like what I imagine it should look like.
Thank you Kathy, Harry, Jennifer, and Vesna~
And thank you so much for the favs Harry and Vesna!