My wife and I look after Willow four days a week (term time only, my daughter is a teacher)
We only have one more day as 'carers' before our daughter breaks up for the summer vacation and then takes one years maternity leave as Willow is going to have a sister or brother in September.
It's been great looking after Willow, I think she is probably my best friend (I don't have many friends !!!). In 12 months time we will be looking after 2 grandchildren :)
The link below shows me and willow on the same location (the side of our house , 11 months ago)
@allie912 Allison, it's a great honour to have looked after willow , my wife still works part time, so it's been "me and willow" for a few hours each day
It’s such a privilege to be able to spend time with your grandchildren. She is a sweetie. I look after my grandson one day a week and only have two more days before his mum goes on maternity leave as she is having a second baby in September. Seems we have grandkids about similar ages.
It's just amazing Phil how much I could see Willow has grown even before looking at the previous photo. Meanwhile you don't look any older to me. It sounds as if you have a great family set-up.
You are so lucky to be able to look so much after Willow. We have a sweet 4- months old grandson and would love to be of help, especially when his mom will go back to work in September. However we live at more than one hour distance so it won’t be possible for us to be regular sitters. Unless we move to their city. Mmm… kind of complicated. In the meantime they have enrolled him in a daycare Center, but he’s so little still. Anyway I must stop Brooding and I congratulate you for the beautiful and clever pictures that you posted. Really cute! Fav
@jackies365 thanks Jackie , looking after grandchildren is fabulous
@cocobella awww thanks corinne that is a lovely comment
@dide thanks Dianne, willow will be 2 at the end of October , by then she will have a little sister or brother :)
@julzmaioro awww thanks Julia, willow is great company and it has been lovely to look after her , as for looking like me , that's a lovely compliment :)
@corinnec thanks corrine, I hope so :)
@cocobella awww thanks corinne that is a lovely comment
@dide thanks Dianne, willow will be 2 at the end of October , by then she will have a little sister or brother :)
@julzmaioro awww thanks Julia, willow is great company and it has been lovely to look after her , as for looking like me , that's a lovely compliment :)
@marlboromaam a keeper for sure mags
@ljmanning it has been an honour and pleasure to look after willow :)
@amyk thanks Amy very kind of you :)
@jamibann thanks issi for your kind words
@beryl thanks beryl , much appreciated :)
@boxplayer thanks for your visit and word of support
@newbank thanks newbank that is a lovely comment from you :)
@stowgarden cherrill I am almost a pensioner :)
@sangwann dione , thanks for the great words and continued support
@pdulis thanks Peter :)
@busylady a mini me :) lol Judith , I don't know if willow will be impressed by that (looking like Papa)
@denful awwwww thanks Denise
@bkbinthecity cheers Brian much appreciated.
@caterina Caterina, thanks for your lovely words, I am sure you will get opportunities to look after your grandson
@nickspicsnz Nick we are looking forward to meeting Willows sister or brother , thank you for your support and kind words :)